a. you are pushing hard and you inhale a bug....

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oh ick! I've had a few hit my face in the last few days. 

.... you overdress thinking it's still cold. And then the very next day, you underdress but the temps dipped so now you're cold again. Ah, Spring, you are fickle!

when . . . you're sweating a lot again, cuz you're not use to the warmer temperatures.

b. I drag this thread: 

http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/1984-schwinn-collegiate-3-... back to life. 

You know it is late spring when I start lowering the price (again). 

hahaha. If you don't getting any bites you might want to consider donating it to West Town Bikes? :-)

Good idea! - except

a) that might suggest that the mighty Chainlink is not a viable place to sell a bike.


b) I'm much closer to Working Bikes.  :)

a) nah. Some stuff does really well. If you wait a week and remind me on Wednesday, I can add it to the email with the new stuff that's selling. I don't sweat it - this is a free service I offer Chainlinkers and not our really our core resource :-)
b) totally understand. I mention West Town Bikes because they really could use the donations. Working Bikes has gobs of bikes from what I hear. They are a well-oiled machine for receiving donations. That's awesome but that's why I'm trying to spread the love. :-)

Now THAT's a sure sign.

c. LFT is once again clogged with all sorts of alien life forms.

The bro with the backwards Cubs hat and headphones swerves in front of  you at a stoplight because he is starting his  machine  in it's highest gear and he needs to summon enough inertia to initiate action.

Especially in the evening when it's not dark and no one has any lights.

The morning starts at 37 degrees but will get into the 60s later in the day. Always tricky to dress for spring bike rides. :-)

Yes, my panniers are always fat in spring.


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