In This Section:
The Chainlink is the premiere place for cyclists of all types to connect, find rides, events and routes, pool resources, share information, and most importantly foster our growing community.
Whether you ride for fitness, for fun, to get to work, to race, to run errands, to reduce your carbon footprint…or all of the above, our hope is that this site will help you meet like-minded cyclists, expand your cycling knowledge base, explore new riding and social opportunities, and most importantly have more fun riding your bike and being a cyclist.
We cordially invite you to participate in a social ride listed on our events page, start a conversation on the forum, join some groups, or find new buddies to challenge you during your Saturday morning assault on Sheridan Road, Palos, or The Garden. Everything you do here will strengthen biking in your community!
Please know that The Chainlink strives to constantly evolve and improve its services to the cycling community. We absolutely welcome your feedback. If you have ideas on how The Chainlink can better achieve its mission, please feel free to drop us a note.
Thanks for being a part of the growing biking community!
Yasmeen and The Chainlink Crew
The Chainlink
P.S. What are you waiting for?
- Looking to do a distance ride this season? Click here to find a long ride in the Rides & Events section.
- Have a question, piece of news, or just looking to sell something? Post it in the Forum here.
- Know someone who might like this site? Invite them to the chainlink by clicking here.
203 members
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270 members
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