Bike Resources

Here are some of The Chainlink's favorite organizations, businesses, and bike info-sites.  This page is updated regularly. Have a resource you'd like to see included?  Send it to


Be sure to check out the extensive Blog Roll and the Maps and Route Tools too. 

Friends of The Chainlink

Chicago & Illinois



General Cycling

Maintenance & Repair

Bike-friendly Businesses

Friends of The Chainlink

Albany Park Bikes - A community, nonprofit bike workshop.

Chicago Bike Racing - News and notes about road racing in Chicago.

Uptown Update - A blog all about the goings-on of "Chicago's most entertaining" neighborhood.

West Town Bikes - A community bicycle learning workshop, offering classes in mechanics, youth programs, and special events to members of the community.

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Chicago & Illinois

Active Transportation Alliance - Chicagoland's voice for better biking, walking and transit.

CAMBr (Chicago Area Mountain Bikers) - A volunteer organization of hundreds of riders who work to ensure that mountain bikers have diverse and challenging local opportunities to enjoy their sport.

Chicago Bicycle Advocate - a local blog about bicycle laws and advocacy by lawyer Brendan Kevenides.

City of Chicago Bicycle Program - A CDOT resource with info on current bike-related projects and tips for riding in the city.

City of Chicago's Bicycling Ambassadors - The City of Chicago’s bike-safety and public-awareness outreach team.

Chicago Bike 2015- The City of Chicago's plan to make bicycling an integral part of daily life in the city.

Chicago Bike Winter - A campaign to promote cold-weather riding through education, teamwork, and funky, free, fleece balaclavas.

Chicago Critical Mass- A monthly bike ride celebrating cycling and reclaiming Chicago's streets for riders.

Ed Rudolph Northbrook Velodrome - Local velodrome with track racing, and training clinics. Also available for public use for stoplight-free riding.

Grid Chicago - Opinion reporting on sustainable transportation in Chicago and Illinois by two Chainlinkers.

Illinois Department of Transportation Bicycling- A resource for Illinois bike maps, laws, and issues.

Illinois Bicycle Law - Trial lawyers representing victims of crashes.

Illinois Bicycle Rides - Mike Bentley's current list of regional tours and charity rides.

League of American Bicyclists- Organization to promote bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation and work through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America.

League of Illinois Bicyclists - Statewide advocacy for Illinois bicyclists, promoting bicycle access, education, and safety.

Request a Bike Rack in Chicago - The more people that request the rack, the better. It takes the city some time to get a rack installed.

Where To Bike Chicago - A new book with 72 cool ride routes for adults and families in Chicago and surrounding suburbs.

World Naked Bike Ride Chicago - Annual naked bike ride protesting oil addiction and promoting positive body image.

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Bike Kitchen - A DIY volunteer-run workshop in San Francisco, CA. 

Magic City Bicycle Collective - A nonprofit bicycle repair education center in Miami, FL.

Oberlin Bike Co-op - Teaching maintenance and renting out bikes in Oberlin, OH since 1986.

Ohio City Bicycle Co-op - Helping people use bikes in greater Cleveland, OH.

Plan B - The community bike project of New Orleans, LA. 

Third Ward Bike Shop - A program of Workshop Houston (TX), empowering youth through creative skills.


Bicycle Cape Town (BCPT) A community campaign and info-hub fostering cycling in Cape Town, South Africa.

Cyclerides  Cycling community and tours in Australia and France. 


General Cycling the largest biking magazine featuring bikes, gear, equipment reviews, training plans, bike maintenance how tos and more

Bike Commuters- a site providing news, articles, product reviews, and how to’s of anything that is related to bike commuting

Crazy Guy on a Bike- A place for bicycle tourists and their journals

Mr. Bike- Dave Glowacz gives tips on urban biking

Sheldon Brown- the most complete reference for all things cycling. Esoteric info you can't find elsewhere. Though Sheldon passed away, his site is well-maintained.

Urban Velo - a magazine dedicated to bicycle culture in cities around the world

Liquid - Rent a bike from awesome people. 

Bicycle Crazy - The lighter side of cycling.

Bike Forums - Topical bike discussion threads.

Stackexchange Bicycles - Q&A for people who build, repair, train or commute on bicycles.

Bike Collectives Network - A (somewhat dated) info-hub for community shops and organizations. 

Momentum Magazine - Smart living by bike.  Find it in hard copy in local shops too. 

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Maintenance & Repair

Bicycling Magazine: Bicycle Repair and Maintenance- repair and maintenance information and videos from Bicycling magazine

Park Tool - good resource for bike repairs

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Bike-friendly Businesses

Wishbone - Bicyclists enjoy a "low-carbon discount" of 15% on meals, Monday through Friday, at both restaurant locations, where they serve up "Southern Reconstruction" cooking. 

Uncommon Ground - Get a 10% discount for biking or walking to eat at the "most sustainable restaurant in the US" in Wrigleyville or on Devon.

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