Women's Cycling Resources

Chainlink Women Bike to Brunch

Women’s cycling is on the rise. More ladies are riding, commuting and racing on their bikes. This is according to the report, "Women on a Roll" by League of the American Bicyclists: 

  • 82% of American women have a positive view of bicyclists From 2003 to 2012, the number of women and girls who bicycle rose 20%, compared to a .5% decline among men 
  • Women are the new majority: 60% of bicycle owners aged 17-28 years old are women. 
  • Women accounted for 37% of the bicycle market in 2011, spending $2.3 billion. 
  • 45% of local and state bicycle advocacy organization staff are female. 
  • 89% of bike shop owners are male, but 33% of shops are run by a husband/wife team. 
  • Women are still underrepresented in leadership positions, including the boards of national industry and advocacy organizations -- and their membership.

The Chainlink is committed to women in cycling. This section is full of cycling resources specifically for women of all levels. Whether you are just getting started or thinking about racing, or like to bike commute to work, we have you covered. In addition to these resources, be sure to check out The Chainlink's Forum and the Calendar of Events.

Additional Reading Related to Women in Cycling:

"Increased Comfort = More Women Biking" League of American Bicyclists

"Fewer Men, More Women Riding?" League of American Bicyclists

"Connecting the Dots: Local Organizations Work to Empower Female Riders in Chicagoland" by Cathy Frampton for The Chainlink

"For Women Cyclists, The Struggle is Real" by Jen Groen for The Chainlink

"Commuting in the City" by Jasmin Welter for Moxie Cycling 

Want to see something included?  Email yasmeen@thechainlink.org


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Comment by Neil Connelly on March 8, 2016 at 4:31pm
If you're interested in watching two badass female bike mechanics in action, come check out Rose Freeman and Alex Dauphin in RIDE, a Chicago play set in a bike shop. Find info at www.undertherugtheatre.com

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