Cyclist hit by truck at Lincoln/Fullerton/Halsted (updated with correction)

I always hate these stories.  Please be safe out there.  Assume everyone is an idiot!!

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So sad

Let's be careful out there

How many times have we all gone through this intersection on our bikes? So incredibly sad. 

I was given some advice to ride like I am invisible to everyone in a car or truck and assume they don't see me. I try to remember this every day I get on my bike because you never know when someone isn't going to pay attention or isn't going to check their blind spot before turning. 

"I was given some advice to ride like I am invisible to everyone in a car or truck and assume they don't see me. I try to remember this every day I get on my bike because you never know when someone isn't going to pay attention or isn't going to check their blind spot before turning." Yes this exactly. I really like the direction you've taken The Chainlink in Yasmeen. 

"Ride like your invisible.", Exactly.

My condolences to the family and friends of cyclist killed.

it was a right hook crash. News reports have the motor vehicle as a Ford F-650 truck which is a giant truck typically used a flat bed tow truck. Anyone driving that thing should be extra careful and is probably a "professional" driver on the job. This is very sad and why Chicago has a law specifically outlawing "right hook" turns. This should be the law statewide. This is just tragic and incredibly heartbreaking. 

Section 9-16-020 of the Municipal Code of Chicago specifically prohibits right turns in front of bicycles. The ordinance states:

When a motor vehicle and a bicycle are traveling in the same direction on any highway, street, or road, the operator of the motor vehicle overtaking such bicycle traveling on the right side of the roadway shall not turn to the right in front of the bicycle at that intersection or at any alley or driveway until such vehicle has overtaken and is safely clear of the bicycle.” 

This sad story brings back so many bad memories of near misses at this intersection. When I was living in Rogers Park, I rode through the intersection often.

My sympathy to the family and friends of the victim.

Disruption of the street grid in this area and the abundance of one-way streets concentrates traffic on the few through streets. Outlawing turns at this intersection would make it a lot safer for peds and cyclists but doesn't seem feasible unless lots of other changes were made on nearby streets and intersections to redistribute the flow of traffic. 

While it's great to hear that's quite a mistake on someone's part.

The CBSlocal story reported that police said that the 38 year-old female cyclist was in the truck's blind spot.

The vehicle involved in this incident was a XUV, a Ford - F-650. (View attachment) It has huge mirrors to eliminate blind spots. This driver should have properly used them.

Note: As I am typing this, Gopher Biker has found incredible encouraging news, (hallelujah !) This cyclist is alive ! She is up and speaking ! Apparently, once again, proper protocol perhaps was not followed, and due to medical H.I.P.A.A. privacy regulations information could not be revealed.

I know all of us in this community are hoping and praying for this cyclists' full recovery !

Happy for the update.

Sad for the state of journalism.

A similar situation happened on July 29, 2015.


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