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I need a new bike... not "would like" a new bike, I NEED a new bike. I have for 4 years, but don't have the time or energy to research what to get. I'm hoping the collective brains of Chainlink…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Kat Oct 19, 2017.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Tom A.K. Jul 27, 2016.
I am finally allowing myself to buy a new bike. I've needed one for years but budget didn't allow it. Now that I can buy one, I'm having trouble (i.e. don't have as much time to) research/decide on…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Jeff Blumenthal Mar 17, 2016.
With the first snow of the season I wondered how road conditions are today, particularly Clark from uptown to loop. I was out of town all weekend and my morning commute (with kids) will be my first…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Skip Montanaro 0mi Nov 23, 2015.
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