Ride Guidelines
Please wear helmets and ride safely.
Rides are typically 4 miles at a 5-6 mph pace on quiet residential streets, roughly 1 hour with stops.
Rides are suitable for children who can ride their own bike for at least three miles
Younger children are welcome on trail-a-bikes, child trailers and child seats of their parent's bike.
Festive dress and decorations encouraged.
It is expected that all kids bring a parent or guardian.
For ride locations and additional info please see
Exiting Humboldt park
Hi All!I'm really interested in organizing a ride in our neighborhood, and would really appreciate your input! I've reached out to my meetup group of moms here, but am a little unsure about which…Continue
Started by KayCee. Last reply by KayCee Sep 9, 2013.
My bike was stolen, so now my toddler and I need to find something new to ride. After a year on the Pilen, and figuring out how/where we ride, I'm not committed to just buying another one and…Continue
Started by Katy Kelsey Morgan. Last reply by Elizabeth May 19, 2013.
My bike was stolen, so now my toddler and I need to find something new to ride. After a year on the Pilen, and figuring out how/where we ride, I'm not committed to just buying another one and…Continue
Started by Katy Kelsey Morgan May 10, 2013.
As some of you may know, Turin Bicycle has re-opened its doors at a new location in Ravenswood at 4710 N. Damen. As a way of getting to know the neighborhood and sharing some of our love for bikes,…Continue
Started by ChrisO!. Last reply by ChrisO! Apr 18, 2013.
Ride with congressman Mike Quigley on the next Roscoe village CKM ride.
We have a route for tomorrow's Hyde Park Kidical Mass ride: http://goo.gl/maps/lE44e
Come on and out and join us! It's very accessible from the lakefront trail, and tomorrow should be gorgeous. We mass up between 10:30 and 11 and head out at 11.
dress appropriately, everyone.
Lincoln Square Kidical Mass 1/19! (3rd Saturday of every month)
Welles Park Gazebo in Lincoln Square
If you would like to be on a email mailing list for the Hyde Park Kidical Mass, please email hydeparkkidicalmass AT gmail DOT com.
Nati and I are expecting a baby on November 29th, so this ride will not continue through the winter months without some alternative leadership (we aren't set up to take a newborn on a bike). An email list will hopefully help with continuity, and make it easier to get the word out.
If you're on the north side, and thinking of heading south sometime for the Hyde Park ride, this Sunday would be an excellent opportunity! It's supposed to be cold and clear, and should be a beautiful ride south along the lake to Harold Washington Park. We'll have bike decorations and hopefully lots of riders in costumes!
We'll do special Halloween ride, next Sunday the 28th. Come on out and join us for Hyde Park Kidical Mass!
The rides from Welles Park have been happening each month rain or shine. I'll be there tomorrow. With a beautiful forecast I expect a good turnout and a great ride.
I can't find any kids to bring! But I'll come anyway - anything to avoid housecleaning in August.
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