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I am hoping someone on here can point me towards someone willing and able to manufacture me an accessory for my longtail based on a recent product that xtracycle came out with.We are loaning our…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Anika Jan 19, 2013.
I could use a couple of good suggestions after nearly being hit by 3 seperate drivers within 1 block near the Logan & Elston intersection on Sunday. Suggestions need to be acceptable to use in…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Joe Guzzardo Jan 5, 2013.
It must be in the air...I was doored this afternoon near Palmer Square while biking with both of my kids (ages 1 and 5) on my bike. Riding in a bike lane and the door felt like it came out of…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Anika Aug 21, 2012.
I am looking for some resources to file complaints against an officer's treatment of me while biking this morning. This officer was clearly uninformed about biking rules of the road and made lots of…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Far'arned Retrogrumpalunkus #63 Aug 3, 2012.
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I'm considering the new monkey bars, I understand we'll have to wait awhile (constantly backordered!) My biggest concern is sleepy kids. Not so much the 5 year old, though it's happened and it would be nice to have her a little more contained on longer rides... But the almost 3 year old falls asleep a LOT in the Yepp and slumps and droops. I've rigged up a strap that goes from the back of his helmet to the back of the seat and it works okay- but I'm wondering if a set of monkey bars would keep a sleeping kid in? I saw you took yours off, so thought I'd get your input before I order. Another thought I have is that it will be warmer for them to be together when the weather is cold. Thanks Anika!