9/20/12 Damen from Division to Jackson is "Rough Grooved Surface." Plan accordingly.

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As of 6:45 this evening, Fullerton at California is still rough and grooved to the east and west. 

BootsyC said:

As of this morning, all lanes (except 1 strip in the middle) had been resurfaced.  The unfinished strip was only about an inch lower than the other E/W bound lanes.

Alex Z said:

Biked through Damen/Fullerton again last evening--I think the work at that intersection may be nearing completion if not completed already.

Hubbard is all paved over and riding smooth.

Kinzie is starting to get a little dicey east of the river (Wolf Point construction?) but still rideable and there is still "space" where the PBL "is," although many of the posts are gone.

Fullerton got a sprayed with a seal coat of liquid asphalt this morning so beware if you don't have finders. Also saw paving equipment working just east of Western.  Hooray!

Armitage is done - all buttery!

Main Street in Skokie between Crawford and McCormick is almost done. A nice black flat surface is there. The project is not quite done. I think some road markings and perhaps another layer will be put down. The ride on that stretch was significantly better than it has been in years.

Most of the east-west streets between 99th and 103rd, from Wood to Prospect, are torn up for utility construction right now. Wood is kinda messy in that area, too.

Here's a map link: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.7099674,-87.664284,16z

Construction on the lakefront path this morning:

- fences up around Fullerton. looks like they might be making a detour path that runs closer to the theatre.

- ramp at Ohio St beach is closed, but a temporary one has been created just east of it; sign on the fence asks riders to dismount, but I didn't find it necessary. The path is as wide as the original ramp, or wider.

- trail is closed between Jackson and the fountain. detours are not well marked. they should have put a sign at Monroe directing riders to the lower path; there is no ramp at Jackson, only stairs.

Fullerton between Milwaukee (just east of Sacramento) and Damen is all clear and smooth now except for one spot of blockades on the eastbound side. No paint yet, but it feels roomy. 

Logan from Western to Diversey is all carved out, waiting to be re-paved. Take Fullerton for your east/west travels in this section of the northside for now. 

Diversey, between Sacramento and Damen/Clybourn has small sections of grooved pavement. Some can be avoided if you can hug the curb, but not all.

Logan in front of the Xsport & Target, just east of Western is finished up and smooth.

Also, that curb cut at the north east crosswalk at Western and Logan is finally done, so you don't have to loop through the parking lot to avoid a sharp pavement cut.

California, between Logan and Milwaukee also has some chunks of pavement chopped out. Also not entirely avoidable as the pavement cut goes all the way to the curb. 

The gate to River Park West at Carmen and Albany was still locked today, so you can't get threw.  Of course you go down Albany to Argyle to get to the north- or southbound parts of the river path.


It seems that there will be a bike lane on Hubbard from Ashland maybe to Halsted.  It is finished from Ashland to Racine, I think (can't remember where it stopped this morning) and there were some of those sort of sketched lines going across the intersection.  It will be welcome mainly because it seems more and more people are finding Hubbard and with the new pavement many drivers seem to be in a big hurry to get from stop sign to stop sign. The bike lane is going to make the driving lane much narrower.


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