Now that he is the president elect, would revive Tour de Trump back?

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I'm very concerned about the potential implications of the election results (president, House, Senate) on transportation policy and funding, among MANY other areas. It's likely that we'll have to fight harder than ever to avoid losing the progress we've made in the last 8 years. I don't feel optimistic about gaining any ground in the next 4. I really hope I'm wrong about that.

The "Safe Roads" amendment to the Illinois constitution pass - which both the Active Transportation Alliance and the Ride Illinois endorsed. 

We'll have to wait and see what benefit the bicycle community gains from this.

Sadly we'll all get exactly what they deserve...

If only.... *sigh*

Millennials outnumber baby boomers. Women represent half our population. The US is a nation of immigrants. Hillary won the popular vote. Less than 1500 days until the next presidential election.

None of that matters if they don't vote.  Donald Trump received 1.2 million fewer votes than Mitt Romney received in 2012.  There was no enormous influx of new voters supporting him.  However, Hillary Clinton received 6 million fewer votes than Barack Obama received in 2012.

She lost Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by 114,000 votes combined.  If she won those 46 electoral votes, she would currently be President-elect.

Actually, it was closer than that. "A switch in three states of only about 50,000 votes out of some 120 million cast nationwide would have been enough to give her the victory".

We have another shot in 2 years. My mistake was assuming Hillary would coast to an easy victory. Trump has to galvanize the opposition, myself included, to make it understood to those who didn't vote that their votes are important. 

The Radavist posted this "Group Hug" in response to yesterday:

Don't wait for the next presidential election - the work starts now. There are elections at some level every year, and two years from now there will be an opportunity to take back the House and Senate. Get involved. Plan a bikepaking tour / canvassing trip through red territory (be safe! but us blue staters might learn a lot!).  Oddly, Trump put forth infrastructure as a cornerstone of his speech two nights ago. I'm sure it will be car-centric, but there's always the opportunity for it to include rail, bikeways, and/or pedestrian access if we get involved locally on how those dollars are used.  Stay alert. Get involved! And yes, hugs all around. 

Right on! In the meantime, the Democrats have to become the party of No and oppose every single piece of regressive legislation that comes before them. In addition, they need to become far more aggressive about questioning the new commander in chief's sources of income. Trump promised to throw Hillary in jail. The Republicans promised to impeach her, just like her husband. You fight fire with fire. Gridlock is a better alternative that rolling back what gains have been made for the 99% of us.

+1 re: "Get involved!" And to hugs all around, too. The most uplifting and inspiring part of marching on Wednesday was the warmth and kindness between most everyone present. Shifting the legislature is critical, but NO politician will represent us unless we are ALL being visible and vocal. Down here on the southwest side I'm happy to say I've been seeing a lot of almost activist neighborliness and community spirit. Let's keep it going and show the rest of the country where it's at!


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