July 23, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Warren Park Chicago Community Area #1, Rogers Park sits 9 miles north of the Loop. It was formerly land used by the Pottawatomi Nation and other indigenous people. Present day Ridge and Rogers Avenues were both… Organized by Lee Diamond | Type: social, architecture, history
August 20, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Jefferson Park Jefferson Park, Chicago Community Area #11 is 10 miles northwest of the Loop. Nicknamed, the “Gateway to Chicago”, farmers once came from far and wide to sell their goods in Jefferson, named to honor… Organized by Lee Diamond | Type: social, architecture, history
September 3, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Indian Boundary Forest Preserve Forest Glen is community area #12 and sits 10 miles northwest of downtown Chicago. Bordering the Northern border suburbs of Niles, Skokie and Lincolnwood, Forest Glen was a suburb itself until it was… Organized by Lee Diamond | Type: social, architecture, history
October 15, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Berger Park Chicago is well regarded for its diverse architecture, but is particularly fortunate to have many examples of Prairie School architecture. The Prairie School of architecture is one of America’s ind… Organized by Lee Diamond | Type: social, architecture, history
November 5, 2016 from 11am to 3pm – Indian Boundary Park West Ridge is Community Area #2, 9 miles northwest of the city’s Loop. The tour begins at the National and Chicago Landmark Park, Indian Boundary Park at 2500 W Lunt Ave in front of the recently fir… Organized by Lee Diamond | Type: social, architecture, history
August 13, 2017 from 9am to 5pm – Daley Plaza under the Picasso Join us for this hands on photography lesson as we cycle through Oak Park Chicago to photograph the various historical landmarks and architectural creations of Frank Lloyd Wright and others. We will… Organized by Tom Limon | Type: cycling, social, photography, architecture, nature
August 19, 2017 from 8am to 3pm – The Spoke and Bird Date: Saturday, August 19th 2017 Time: 8:00am to 3:00pm Cost: Free Departure Location: The Spoke and Bird 205 E 18th St, Chicago, IL 60616 Total Distance Round Trip: 50 Miles Average Speed: 10-12 MPH… Organized by Tom Limon | Type: cycling, architecture, tour
March 31, 2018 from 8am to 5pm – Daley Plaza Let’s bike to the neighborhood of Beverly to attend a one of a kind tour and multimedia presentation of Chicago’s Only Castle. During this ride, we will have the opportunity to meet Errol Magidson, a… Organized by Tom Limon | Type: bicycle tour, cycling, architecture
July 1, 2018 from 9am to 5pm – Thorndale Redline Station A uniquely Chicago urban treasure hunt – by bike! Jim Bachor’s stunning and sometimes snarky mosaic works are the centerpiece of this casual group ride, tracking down each and every existing pothole… Organized by Tom Limon | Type: cycling tour, biking, architecture, adventure
October 28, 2018 from 9am to 4pm – Kwanusila Totem Pole (3510 N Recreation Dr, Chicago, IL 60657) Join Adventure Cycling Tours and pedal through Graceland Cemetery and Rosehill Cemetery for a one of a kind tour and explore the history, architecture, landscaping, nature, and the wildlife. Gracelan… Organized by Tom Limon | Type: cycling tour, cemetery, architecture, nature
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