Hello! I've been pretty busy these last several weeks working on The Chainlink's improvements and I wanted to give a mini update as well as get your opinion for our future URL...

A little background about our platform...

When I acquired The Chainlink in December, 2014 I wasn't able to move forward with the project Julie had started. There are many reasons why that solution would have been a step back for us and so I had to make the difficult decision to pull the plug on the project. My next step was to try to upgrade Ning (our current platform). I quickly realized the company put a stop to upgrades and abandoned supporting and growing Ning so I looked for similar community platforms to switch to with minimum interruption. There was nothing for a very long time. And then, after a lot of research, I found our future platform with a migration path and all of the features we need including a mobile site and much faster response times. I am in the process of archiving our site and will be moving it over to the new platform, hoping to launch in the next few months. I'll move it along as fast as I can so we can enjoy the "new" Chainlink in those busy bike months. 

Chainlink for everyone!
Once the new platform is up and running, I will be launching more cities. My plan is to launch 50 U.S. cities and then launch a few overseas as well. This will allow you to jump on to another city to plan a vacation, plan a move, etc. I'm very excited to bring The Chainlink to more cities and grow our Chainlink community.


This URL has caused me some grief because we are not a non-profit yet having a .org tends to be used mostly by non-profits so I need a different option, keeping our name but still easy to remember. This is where you come in - please let me know what you think about these URLs. On a side note - I have been trying (without success) to acquire thechainlink.com. 

1. thechain.link

2. thechainlink.co

3. thechainlink.info

All of these domains have already been acquired and I plan to have all of them point to the site. So, what do you think? 1, 2, or 3?

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.co address may cause people to think it is supposed to be .com .  Of these three, I would vote for .info address.

+1 for .info

I like

1. thechain.link 

It says it all there. 

Is thechainlink.bike available? 

I like this idea even more!


Maybe I missed it, but why does the url have to change?  Being a non-profit is not required to use .org. 

I agree with this.

This is a challenge for me. While the .org may not necessarily make a difference with Chainlinkers, it's regularly created confusion with clients. As I expand to other states, I would prefer to correct it. The good news is that the URL will still work, it will just redirect to the primary. 

Thanks for the update.  I'm guessing this is the guy that owns thechainlink.com and might not want to help out a bunch of Chicago bicyclists.  


I knew the businesses but hadn't done a Google street view. Well, I have been trying to reach him and will try again. I believe he had a site using that URL and has since stopped using it but there's still time left on the registration. 

I also agree; I'll keep on using chainlink.org.

Why does it need to change?


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