Tonight!! Save Chicago Critical Mass from Motown Marauders!

With the recent bankruptcy proceedings, Detroit is selling off its monthly Critical Mass bike ride to generate a few bucks for the creditors. Detroit cyclists have responded by hopping on their bikes and pedaling 300 miles to take over Chicago's Critical Mass! All Chicago cyclists must report to Delay Plaza today at 5:30pm to defend our fair city from these Motown marauders!

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Soo no nugent?

There's a rumor circulating that the Motown marauders will be guzzling cans of Strohs and blasting loud music (MC5, Stooges and yes, Terrible Ted) while they pillage. They must be stopped!

Don't kid yourself, as Detroit becomes a wild land out of a Mad Max movie this is the first of many "RAIDING PARTIES" in the vein of the Vikings that will come to Chicago, pillage and burn and return to Detroit with their loot and spoils. Lets call it what it is and understand that a few of us Chicagoans will fall in the pitched battles that will rage across the bike lanes.  Bring your U-Locks and prepare for conflict.

Wang Dang Sweet Bike Lane!

What if they play Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Mary Wells, The Temptations,  . . . .!all  I, for one, might beg them to stay!

We can buy the raiders beers, get them drunk, and then sneak out and break the valve stems in all their tires. Since everyone knows Detroit is Broke, they will not be able to afford new tubes and victory will be ours.

We don't live in Elysium. Welcome them. If conflict is inevitable we may have to send Chris Chelios out on a BMX bike armed with a hockey stick to negotiate a resolution between the factions.

hey don't forget martha and the vandells - dancin' in (chicago) the streets.


hey - maybe they just want to take aaron bussy back to detroit ??? they CANNOT have him

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

What if they play Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Mary Wells, The Temptations,  . . . .!all  I, for one, might beg them to stay!

Yes, Martha, too.  Maybe the whole CM could just spend the evening dancing to Motown in the plaza!

I would not be worried about them taking Aaron.  They would have to get past Katie first!
dan brown said:

hey don't forget martha and the vandells - dancin' in (chicago) the streets.


hey - maybe they just want to take aaron bussy back to detroit ??? they CANNOT have him

Lisa Curcio 6.5 mi said:

What if they play Marvin Gaye, The Supremes, The Four Tops, Smokey Robinson, Mary Wells, The Temptations,  . . . .!all  I, for one, might beg them to stay!

Look, if they are not raiders they are, in fact, REFUGEES, and the first of many.  We need to put a stop to this as soon as we can otherwise there will be caravans of them and soon enough the UN will have to show up and we'll all have to be horrified as we watch a bunch of Detroiters fighting over bags of grain.

There may be a sign somewhere in NY that says something like "we welcome your cold huddled masses" but this isn't NY and we need to take a firm stand.  We may not live in Elysium but I'll take my tarnished Elysium over the one they are fleeing.

This is an invitation, across the nation, A chance for folks to meet. 
There'll be laughin' singin', and music swingin' Dancin' in the street  . . .

They must be stopped before it's too late.


Good thing it's not hockey season.


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