I am always amazed at the amount of weed I smell from cars on my morning commute.  Morning!!!! Like 8:30am...! I can understand a hit after a hard day of work, but wow people....

You can smell it for a hundred feet depending on the weather. I like to then play a game called...guess which car is smoking the herb?

Anyone else find this discovery on their commutes?

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You've never done a "wake n' bake"?  :)

Wake n' bake.  ;)  Got lots of that in Toronto recently.

Brian F Morrissey said:

You've never done a "wake n' bake"?  :)

Sure I've heard of it...but usually not when I'm driving in a car to work. These aren't kids in cars on their way to high school. Full grown adults from every walk of life.

It also amazes me how no one even tries to hide it. 

I'd much rather drivers drive under the influence of this substance rather than alcohol. That said, operating a potentially dangerous vehicle in any altered state is just irresponsible. 

Coffee? I think your brush is a bit broad.

Dovah Cat said:

I'd much rather drivers drive under the influence of this substance rather than alcohol. That said, operating a potentially dangerous vehicle in any altered state is just irresponsible. 

"It also amazes me how no one even tries to hide it." 

They think they're hiding it in "car anonymity".

Well, you shouldn't be smoking while riding.

h' said:

My only collision with a car to date was due to marijuana.

Probably a few times a week while riding on Milwaukee or Augusta do I play find the car smoking the herb. I've never won.

I'm 100% in favor of the legalization of recreational pot but keep it at home people or at least in a park (with no children around, of course) or walking but not driving.

Does anyone else work for a company that liberally does random drug tests? I've always wondered if people get baked on their way to work. Does it affect judgement that badly?

I played this game the other day, and won. That isn't that unusual except I was on the expressway doing 60 mph. I was impressed that I could smell it from another car doing 60. It wasn't hard to find the car either. Big old conversion van with two dudes blatantly smoking a blunt. FWIW they were driving at least as good as everyone else.

A person who smokes pot behind the wheel is just as dangerous as the drunk driver.

I think non statistical evidence  such as "I have seen" does not really tell us anything. I also question whether a person smoking or drinking is more or less impaired than the other.  In both cases a drink or a hit does not make you intoxicated. In both cases a few drinks or a few hits might do so. Just because somebody is seen drinking or smoking does not mean he/she is impaired.  However, the odds of that person being impaired are certainly going to be greater than the odds of the person who's car smells like pine cones, old pizza, flatus, or whatever else is in the environment in their cabin.  Further whether the operative art is the Day of Wine and Roses or Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke does not really change those odds.  The only thing we do know is that there is a test to see how impaired you are with alcohol but no such test exists for THC. We can know how much alcohol is in your system. We only know that THC is in your system but we can't tell how much and what that means.


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