On Tuesday at Active Trans' annual member meeting Anne Alt was inducted in the the organization's hall of fame for her tireless advocacy for sustainable transportation, including serving as the head of two bike clubs and member of two others, plus countless other volunteer roles promoting better conditions for biking, walking and transit. At the meeting Randy Neufeld, the group's first executive director and now head of the SRAM Cycling fund, was also inducted, current ATA chief Ron Burke gave an update on projects across the region, and Andrew Kudelka gave a moving speech about his pedestrian advocacy efforts to honor his late wife Martha Gonzalez: http://gridchicago.com/2012/state-of-the-union-active-trans-members...

Keep moving forward,

John Greenfield

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congrats Anne...very well deserved.



A well deserved honor! Anne, thanks for your efforts.

Thank you Anne! Congratulations!

Awesome!  Congratulations Anne!

We *heart* Anne! Thank you so much, Anne!

Ethan and all of us at Active Trans

Thank you!

Congratulations, Anne!


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