Has anyone tried to ride the LFP during lockdown?

Wondering if you could bandit sections without getting into trouble.

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Personally, I still prefer the idea of letting essential workers have a pass to get through (one that is free and fairly easy to get). AND they should allow open streets in Chicago because it's the right thing to do. How about open streets LSD and Milwaukee Ave to name a few? it's not like there's loads of car traffic. A lot of people have started riding bikes and it's a solid form of transportation.  

I think Lincoln Park being closed is tragic but there's a flip side - that fear that people will come in masses - this is happening at beaches and over the weekend, it happened in DC at the Mall because of the Thunderbirds, Blue Angels waste of money and putting people in danger with large crowds. People are ignoring it, that is why the numbers haven't disappeared. I don't believe opening everything back up will have people behaving responsibly. I HATE to say that but I've seen first-hand, it isn't happening. And I don't get it. This is really scary dangerous what it can do and it's not just seniors. Why are we moths to the flame? 

DC (and all of DMV to be honest) is feeling the same frustration. Barely any open streets - all in places that are more like parks and less about transportation (and very short so kind useless unless you are a family with small children). 

Just a side note, I'm not advocating for jumping on the path and breaking the rules set in place. I just think it's a good idea, now that some time has passed to think through it and see if there's an opportunity to help those that have to venture out to work now - either in a hospital or delivering food or doing essential work that helps us all. 

Open streets is something a lot of cities have picked up on because:

1. There's a lot less car traffic so it's easy to shut down some roads.

2. Car traffic has had a lot of speeding and a spike in crashes and open streets can give safe space to those riding or walking.

Yes you can ride in fairly easily. Most spots don't have officers but just folks in cars that you can just ride by and they can't detain you. The bigger issue will be that there's fencing put up along the path in a lot of spots that you'll have to go in the grass to get around. There are police driving up and down the trail but so far in the last month of seeing cyclists (personally seen 3) ride by them, they didn't seem to care.

The paths up north towards botanical garden are (last I saw), open. So I'd suggest either riding up that way or taking the red / purple line and riding further out. 

It's still officially closed.

My spouse and I are sheltering in place.  I am an older male, 71, and she has pulmonary health issues.  I have not been out of our building since March 17th.  When I go out and catch the virus I want the hospitals ready for me/us. 

 While dreaming of being back on the road, today, May 5,2020, I used Google maps to plot a course from the loop to Loyola.  I was surprised at the route.  To make sure I asked for a bike route from Field Museum to Foster Beach.  Yep, GOOGLE MAPS RECOGNIZES THE LAKEFRONT PATH IS CLOSED. 

Yes, closed for health reasons.  Safety.  No matter the amateur-night epidemiologist and naïveté coming out of all manner of street bloggers and other under-employed English majors across the internet.  People have all kinds of courage about themselves to the peril of others, absent accountability and responsibility.  Be well Elwood.  Holler out if you need anything dropped off at your front door via no-touch delivery.   

Keto, your self-righteousness is insufferable.

Yeah Google Maps seems to know what routes that are ordinarily great for biking are closed. Not just LFT, also Calumet Park on the Southeast side. And it avoids those routes if you ask for bike directions. I was really impressed with it!

The 606, Lakefront Not Reopening Anytime Soon

There's a possibility closed trails and the lakefront could open this summer with restrictions, Lightfoot said, though that would depend on how Chicago is faring in its battle against coronavirus.


CHICAGO — Popular trails like The 606 and the lakefront won’t reopen anytime soon, Mayor Lori Lightfoot signaled Friday.

The city shut down lakefront beaches and parks, The 606 and the Riverwalk March 26 after crowds of people swarmed them during a bout of good weather. They’ve been blocked off since, with police clearing out any people who tried to enter.

While unveiling a plan to reopen Chicago on Friday, Lightfoot strongly suggested she doesn’t think those spots will open for at least some time.

There is a possibility the closed trails and lakefront could open this summer with restrictions, Lightfoot said, though that would depend on how Chicago is faring in its battle against coronavirus.

“A lot of that is gonna be guided by the science, and I’ve got to be confident that we can open up those larger venues: the lakefront, The 606 and other interior trails in a way that still allows us to maintain social distancing,” Lightfoot said. “I don’t see us early in Phase 3 throwing it back open again.

The mayor should slap you in every one of your 206 bones.  And twice on Sunday!

Oh look what day it is!

Just ride on the streets. It is not that hard. One actually gets to experience unique parts of Chicago better. 

I agree.  This is a scenario so many people professed they wanted all along.  The vehicular traffic is down, perhaps 80%.  There are very few delivery trucks, because so many retail stores and restaurants are closed.  The trucks re-supplying office buildings are nearly non-existent.   Nobody's driving to the Cubs games, Blackhawks game nor Bulls games.  Nobody's picking their kids up from school nor little league or soccer practice, and very few to violin lessons. And as it turns out, not to the doctor's office as often either.  

Home delivery for retail, grocery, messenger, and delivery food is up somewhat... people still gotta eat, but the overall traffic on the traditional roadways and along bike lanes is as low as ever.   

There's another new nuance too.  When we used to head north or south along the lake, where virtually every destination is inland - not out there in the blue to the east - so those routes above have certain conveniences and benefits.  


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