Venue Change Update: Tour de Fat Chicago 2018 in Humboldt Park

Update for 2018: It's back in the 'hood!
Venue Change 2018: Humboldt Park
Venue Change 2017: Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island 

Tour de Fat Chicago will be held at Northerly Island this year ! It will be held on July 29, 2017 from 4pm to 9pm. The event admission cost is $30. New Belgium is still supporting WestTown Bikes / Ciclo Urbano with its proceeds.

There also seems to be an elimination of the ever popular TDF Bike Parade. :'(

Pic above from TDF 2016 - Palmer Square (Tom A. K.) . . . Pic below from TDF 2012

The End ! . . .

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$30?!?!?  No parade?!?!?

Also, Saturday July 29th overlaps the annual Pierogifest ride.

Had some wonderful memories at Palmer Park.

Really enjoyed it in Palmer Park. I hope this means they'll be trying something new and hopefully fun.

Yes, let's hope that it turns out well for Westtown at the new spot. There are some nice hidden spots along the edge for people to chill and maybe take a dip.

Is there any access to the 12th st. beach area? Isn't it fenced off from the pavilion?

Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island
1300 S Linn White Dr, Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 540-2668

It's fenced off I think.

This photo from TDF many moons ago appeared on my screen saver slideshow today. I had to share this memory of the fun we all had.

Thanks for posting the photo. So many good times on those bicycles in Palmer Square.
Heck, I don't even live in Chicago and flew in for Chicago's date annually!

You are welcome. I wish Westtown Bikes can do a keener NFP benefit with a better tasting beer company like Revolution so we can keep the culture alive and have it continue to grow as it has done the last few years.

The interesting story of the involvement of Palmer Square in the history and development of Chicago's cycling culture.

Cyclists were denigrated in the old days as "Scorchers"!

I got the same email.  I got the impression that the $30/4pm-9pm was for the concert, no mention was made about the usual assembly in Palmer Square.

So is this "in place of" or "in addition to" the Palmer Square and the bicycle parade?

From the FAQ page (

- With more cities and bigger acts, Tour de Fat has moved to a paid, ticketed model. By bringing in bigger name musical acts, taking the show to 33 cities, and moving to a paid ticket, we will be able to significantly increase the amount of money we can generate for our NPO partners. Tour de Fat has always been about having fun and raising money for non-profits - this move makes it even more so! Plus, because we’re working with local non-profits in all of the cities we’re visiting, you’re helping to give back to your community, so it’s really a win-win!
- Because the shows run later in the day, parade permitting has been a challenge and many of our newer cities do not possess the infrastructure for a parade at this time (working on it!). The only cities that will have bike parades this year are Fort Collins, Tempe, and Boise.
- After many successful years, we are retiring the car-for-bike swap and celebrating the bike community at large rather than any one individual. It was a good run, but this is all part of evolving the show.
- Re-Entry Policy. Once you leave, it’s all over. Come, stay and play! We’ll have all you need for a fun, safe, and memorable day!


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