What's it called when the Divvy rack is full and you have to circle looking for a space?

I rode Divvy today from near UIC to the Loop.

I didn't look closely and when I got to my destination, the rack was full.  So I had to circle, looking for an open rack, based on where I remembered there was other docks.

So what's that called?

"Divvy circling?"

"Umdivvy"  (that's kind of German)

"My four star was full starred"

It was a beautiful day, I didn't mind taking a few extra minutes to find an open space. But I wanted a word for "rack is full, look elsewhere" bc it's happened to me a few times.

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ha! that's a good one!

Until my Brompton arrives, I am relying on bike share to fill the gap because I can't bring my cx bike for my train commute. Sadly, now that the weather is getting warmer, I've been seeing more empty docks because they can't keep up with the demand. 

I also had an odd thing happen where it docked successfully but didn't send the alert and then I got an overtime warning (that I didn't see until 4 hours later). Luckily, the *burp* in the system was corrected and I wasn't charged a penalty. whew! Anyone else see something like this happen?

Time for a Divvy nursery rhyme.
https://youtu.be/pMQHt-sHNQE ((0:37)

I got dock blocked again yesterday morning at LaSalle St and Jackson. The wind chill was in the 20's, and there were few riders out. I'm fairly certain the station wasn't full because of an influx of early morning commuters. C'mon, Divvy! Get these downtown racks emptied before the morning rush.

So what's the point of the Divvy vans driving around the city if they're not going to remove bikes from full stations? As I approached the LaSalle/Jackson station this morning, I could see a Divvy van parked next to it. Cool, there'll be plenty of open docks. A few seconds later the van pulls away, and when I get to the station I see that there are only 2 open docks out of 34. This is a heavily used "inbound" station in the morning. Luckily I was able to grab a dock, as was the rider behind me. As I walked away two more riders rolled up, and had to find a dock elsewhere. 'Very frustrating.


The valet service just started back up at Daley Plaza.  It's a sure sign summer is around the corner!

A very pleasant surprise this morning at the LaSalle/Jackson station. A valet! Is it even possible that my numerous complaints have finally paid off? Na.

Piggybacking on a not-quite-current DIVVY thread... I've been trying to sneak out for a few minutes at lunch. I work at Dearborn and Adams, so have a couple racks right nearby. Monday and today, when I returned, I found every rack nearby full and had to pull out my transit app to find a rack with any space. I don't know why this is happening, but if I had to guess, I'd say that the DIVVY peeps are starting to fill up the racks in anticipation of the afternoon rush. If that's the case, shouldn't they leave a couple spaces open?

I  had  it happen a little over a month ago on the north side  towards the end of the evening rush when  I would  think the dock would  be empty.  I left  the loop around 545 and  divvyed to @2500 N. Halsted as I was going  to a nearby music store. The rack  was full.  Fortunately, I saw a rack at Lincoln/Halsted/Fullerton on my way and was able to get there before  30 minutes elapsed. I had to  re rack after being  dock blocked while  I was on the clock.

FWIW, if you are an annual member you get 45 minutes on a single ride, not 30. 

Yeah, I use Divvy about 4-5 times a year.

They should definitely leave a few spots open.

What I'd like to see is some option for locking a bike at a full station. Maybe a "smart" bike lock that opens with the fob that would somehow register that the bike was left at the station.

Interesting @Argonne69. Sort of a cross between docked and dockless bikes? (I presume you couldn't just park it unlocked.)


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