Sure, it's snowy and cold out but let's flash forward to a warmer month, green trees, warm weather and your bike... what would you do? Mountain bike? Road bike up to Highland? Pedal to Wisconsin? Ride the Lakefront Trail to Indiana?
#BikeChi is the best, especially in the spring/summer/fall
Thanks for another great route. I hope to ride to Bridgman this year. This will help me get there safely;.
I think I do what Google tells me to with a few minor variations. Its almost entirely off street trails or at least bike lanes.
Planning some CCC rides. I'm focusing on themed tours - public art, architecture and other themes. Here's an example.
Sounds SO good. Please share with us as they get scheduled. (I'm wishing I could add a heart emoji)
Most of them are already on the calendar. Go to the CCC web site for more info.
Anne's ride looks great. I look forward to doing some of the same kind of thing for Evanston Bike Club. I have about a half dozen rides including a newer brewpub tour where we are looking at Half Acre, Motor Row, Metropolitan and Temperance. Most of all, warmer weather means riding with less clothes and that will be a delight.
i hope to get to the Wisconsin unmeeting in July.
Looking forward to riding with my dog in the trailer. Looking forward to the naked bike ride too.
I am looking forward to taking photos with lots of color.
Fox River Trail from Aurora to Geneva and back (with a short stop at Penrose Brewing of course). Sigh.
Maybe I'll actually ride to Madison this year starting at home.
I've been eyeing this section of the GIT and wondering whether anyone's given it a try? My fantasy is to ride from Chicago to Iowa City where some friends will be spending their summer...
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