Opinions on? The 606 - Bloomingdale Trail * Fall Update

The 606 now enters Chicago's changing seasons ! Cyclists': It's now yours to enjoy !

Chicago's Season's - (Summer)May-Sept. (Fall)October (Winter)November-March (Spring)April. TRUE !

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http://chicagoist.com/2015/08/05/bloomingdale_fail_hilarious_facebo... RECENT (funny)




http://m.chicago.curbed.com/archives/2015/06/08/606-trail-photos.php a href="https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20150606/humboldt-park/elevated-bloomingdale-trail-pulse-of-606-opens-massive-crowds">https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20150606/humboldt-park/elevated-blo...

So what did you think of the 606 Trail & the opening day celebration?

http://www.thechainlink.org/events/the-606-opening-weekend-a-party-... < 606 OPENING CEREMONY CHAINLINK EVENT >





The 606 Opening Celebration Participation, Saturday June 6th, 2015 at 8am till 9pm.

Cyclists: Join the Bike Procession organized by West Town Bikes to the 606 (Bloomingdale Trail) Grand Opening Celebration. Details and event posting soon to follow.

Join us on Saturday 6/06/15. Be among the first to experience The 606, Chicago's new park and trail system, over a decade in the making. Clear your calendar so you can celebrate all day with a series of joyful processions along the Bloomingdale Trail, a lively street festival on Humboldt Boulevard, and day-long fun at The 606 access parks: Walsh, Churchill Field, Park 567 at Milwaukee/Leavitt Ave and at Julia de Burgos Park.

In addition to enjoying the trail for the first time with your friends, family and neighbors, you can play a more active role in the festivities.

*Join a pre-planned procession
*Plan your own procession
*Host an activity booth at the festival site
*Volunteer with The 606 team

Learn more and sign up at: http://bit.ly/Join606Opening or visit The606.org

See you Saturday, June 6th, for the Opening Celebrations, and Sunday, June 7th, for a Community Pancake Breakfast at the Ridgeway Trailhead. All activities are FREE and open to the public. We can't wait to celebrate with all of you !

Tom A.K. - time is precious, our existence is short. LIVE YOUR LIFE !

Views: 4898


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At $25 MILLION/mile I'd put my vote in the "better left as it was" column. 

Typical Chicago crony-capitalism.   It's only money...

Geez. I think we heard you the first 5 times. 

The path was wider back then.

you still have to admit it's better that this exists and is being used vs. just leaving the abandoned tracks as they were

All other things being equal, yes. They're not equal. Leaving the tracks as they were cost $0; building this thing cost $95 million, $50 million of which came out of a pot that was supposed to be for commuting projects, which will now suffer because that money was spent on a park with little or no commuting value instead.

I was under the impression that the federal grant portion of funding was provided specifically to build the trail. That we wouldn't have had the money if not for Bloomingdale project. Not a case of here's $50 million for commuting projects and it's up to you how to spend it. However nothing I found in 10 minutes of google searching indicated one way or the other. 

I based my comment on a paragraph from this DNAinfo article:

Taking the Bloomingdale Trail as an alternative to walking or biking along east-west thoroughfares North and Armitage avenues is an apt use, considering the majority of the $95 million needed to build the trail came in the form of $50 million worth of federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grants, which are earmarked for commuting projects.

I rode it yesterday for the first time. I went from about Ashland to Albany and must have seen a couple thousand people riding, walking, skating, hanging out, pushing prams and leading dogs. It is a great place to take a walk. A decent place to take a run and an ok place to ride a bike. Still, it was very cool to be on this path sharing it with such a large variety of people of every age and every color. I doubt I would use if for a regular commute and I would hesitate to bring a kid there on a bike. Still, just seeing how many people were enjoying the path clearly answers the questions about it's usefulness. For now the path seems to draw the city together and get people outside moving their bodies. I had a very positive reaction to being on the 606 even if my short time on it dramatically reduced my average speed for the day's ride.

+1 Agreed.

My second weekend using the trail was great.

In awe of how most of the pedestrians ( with the exception of a few who intentionally felt the need to not share ) stayed towards the side of the path to let me cruise easily through.

I missed those and was just on the trail about a half hour ago. 

Today's storm wrecked some of the landscaping. 

The lake's always good in the morning. It's the summer evenings you have to watch out for. And weekends.


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