The meeting will be on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the 50th Ward Office, 2949 W. Devon. Everyone is invited to attend.

After man years, this may start moving and is badly needed.  if you can attend the meeting and add your support please do so.

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Holy short notice Batman- I would love to see this get built, will definitely try to attend. Thank you for posting!

Shared on Chainlink's Facebook page

North River Commission:

NRC has long supported improvements to and maintenance of the trail infrastructure on the northwest side. This meeting at 50th Ward is about an important improvement to the trail along the North Shore Channel. Tomorrow at 6:30p
Pedestrian/Biking Bridge Public Meeting
When: Tuesday, September 13, 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: 50th Ward Office, 2949 W. Devon

Join Alderman Debra Silverstein, the Chicago Department of Transportation and the Illinois Department of Transportation to learn about the upcoming pedestrian/biking bridge over the North Shore Channel.

Super cool, hope to see some Chainlink members there.

It is on my route home and if I can disengage in time I will stop by the ward office. I may not get there until 645 to 7 but will try.

Wife and I made out tonight- about 10-15 people showed up, no dissenters. CDOT was late showing up (traffic) but the engineers went through the PowerPoint thoroughly and addressed questions until CDOT got there. The rendering on the site is likely what the final product will look like- if all goes according to plan, the project should break ground in early 2018.

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear "no dissenters".

With no dissent, it was the shortest meeting ever!  A really good, clear, precise presentation, including a long list of "stakeholders" that need to be taken into consideration.

It was to last until 7:30 but shortly after 7:00 it became apparent there wasn't anything more to discuss.  Somebody started an applaud, and we all got up, thanked the presenters, and left. Nobody brought up the name of the "Stone Bridge."

DO NOT think future meeting will be like this.  The lack of opposition is rare, taking into consideration many of the other meetings.  Let's not get complacent.

Details tomorrow, but there is another meeting on the Manor Greenway, between Lawrence and Montrose, on Sept 22nd, Thursday, at the Manor Park Fieldhouse because of strong opposition to making bicycle accommodations and traffic calming.  Details, and a "Call to arms!" tomorrow.

It was so short that it was almost awkward at the end there. I was surprised by the lack of dissent, but obviously it was only noticeable because it's so rare. Also obvious is that the Manor Greenway meeting will be much more contentious- unfortunately I have a class that evening and won't be able to attend.

I walked in at 7 was breaking up. There are no dissenters because nobody loses. The bridge does not take away from anybody and also helps locals get to Lincoln Village shopping center by foot. As long as there is funding there really are no losers.


I'm not sure if I set this up right, but this is supposed to be the presentation we saw at the meeting.

This will shortly show up on the planning page,

shortly.  This came from Benak, Lubica <>  the planning engineer at the meeting.  He's also the planning engineer for the Weber Spur trail.

Big .pdf file, I don't know how to share it.


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