Bicyclist Hit By Car, Flipped And Severely Injured Seen On Dashcam Video

The potential dangers of riding a bike in the city are illustrated in a video of a bicyclist hit by a car and severely injured Tuesday in University Village. The horrific accident was captured on another driver's dashcam video.

For the full article and vido go here:

Previous post about the crash with additional discussion, video, and update on cyclist's condition:

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For those who haven't clicked the link, the two sentences of Gene's post are the first two sentences of the article. I have to say I'm not crazy about that language. If the cyclist had been sideswiped from behind or hit while having the green, I would agree with the characterization. But given what we see in the video it seems like words that were chosen for shock value more than for being actually descriptive.

Would be interested in others' thoughts.

 Wasn't that a red light that the cyclist was making his way through? If it was, wouldn't the driver of the car have had the right of way?

Yes, the bicyclist went through the red light. The car had the right of way.

Totally agree. Hate that language! "Biking is inherently dangerous! Fear fear fear!"

Should be titled " Dumbest way to ride a bicycle in the city and make the rest of us look stupid."

How about showing some empathy for the critically injured cyclist?

It's a comfort to know I can possibly get sympathy here if I ever make a poor choice when riding my bicycle on these brutal unforgiving streets we share with the mindless cagers even if I am a total ass in this forum. Cheers.

He gets some from me. He'll probably have lingering reminders of this crash for the rest of his life, after a long hard recovery. 

John, all of us have empathy for the cyclist.  Obviously.  That's easy, and facile.  I'd like to hear you address the actual content of Juan's comment.  Specifically:  having seen the video, do you have any empathy for the driver?  Secondly, do you have any excuses or justifications for the way the cyclist rode into the lanes of traffic, or have you not seen enough to form an opinion?  Thirdly, do you think the way this cyclist was conducting himself helps or hurts the cause of cyclists in Chicago?  Or do you not have enough information to form an opinion?  Or are there ambiguities in the video you can't resolve?  Tell me true.      

+1 to John's comment

His mom is on another thread about this crash and a CL member. Something to keep in mind - we can all make mistakes and this cyclist paid dearly for his mistake and misjudgment.

I don't know that any of us (us = pedestrians, cyclists, motorists) are above making mistakes. So many of us are lucky we don't have to pay the way he has. Compassion please.

The thing is that there is a young woman involved that, through no fault of her own, has to live with the memory of somebody bouncing off the front of her car.

My compassion is saved for her. One doesn't have to enter into combat to suffer traumatic stress.

Hundreds of people are killed or severely injured in excruciating detail to motorists, passengers and onlookers every single day. That is the reality of automobiles being our dominant form of transportation. It's something we all accept when we get behind the wheel. It's actually probably the #1 reason I try to drive as little as possible. 

You can't blame individuals for systemic problems. People make bad decisions, that will never change, but they shouldn't die for it.


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