what a terrible title. I bet no women want to listen to what i have to say when i started with a title like this. amirite?
A good way to loose solidarity is to alienate those who may agree with you. just sayin
Male fragility is real and hard at work...
I bet you're a big fan of #notallmen, aren't you?
Stop personalizing the people calling out the f'd up social norms that perpetuate sexist behavior.
You do understand that when a woman says 'men suck' they aren't talking about YOU, right? Well, I mean unless you engage in whatever shitty behavior they are calling out but you hopefully get my point...
Ask the women (or any marginalized group you are not a part of) you interact with about their experience existing in society and LISTEN to their answers; it can be eye-opening the amount of garbage behavior they have to deal with, from a shocking number of people, on a daily basis. After you are aware of all of the various ways in which they are regularly slighted start really watching interactions, you'll see stuff you never realized EVERYWHERE.
I am going to agree 100% with ban men, men suck or any other number of slights against men by angry women because turns out the way a TON of men have been taught is OK to act in our social structure is really terrible! I know because I've been a part of that garbage behavior but instead of choosing to be upset when I saw it called out I chose to LISTEN, have some empathy and, most of the time, not be a part of the problem.
You don't want to hear women talking about how men suck?
Stop sucking and encourage others to suck less.
there’s a whole hashtag about tall guys?!?
But seriously: the cynical, self-serving, defensive posturing by petty bros is so tired. Get over it dudes!
Well put Dug.
A am a white male. No matter what I say, I am still a person who has reaped the benefits of privilege. Like most humans, I ask whether a something pertains to me. When there is a complaint about men or white folks I have learned to resist the urge to say, if not to think, "Hey, that's not me." Whether it is or is not really doesn't matter. Accepting that this reality still exists in our society and that I can be lumped in with other white men is part of that. What we do is more important whether that means something big like doing something for the welfare of those who do not get this pass from society or the police or whoever is one part. Another part is simply riding my bike treating each rider like a rider and when I see a great set of wheels I am really looking at somebody's bike. I guess that may be easier for me because I feel I have nothing to prove and that in itself is an element of privilege.
If you want to show "solidarity" with someone, it is generally done on their terms, not yours. And to show solidarity you have to listen - really listen - to them first.
if that was what made her lose your solidarity you never had any brah
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