April 18, 2015 from 9:30am to 3pm – Dvorak Park *************SCHEDULE BELOW************** For the third year, Women Bike Chicago presents a day that is by women just for women who want to learn about riding for transportation, riding with kids, o… Organized by Women Bike Chicago | Type: workshop, clinic, social, women, bikes, commuting
August 2, 2015 from 9:30am to 1:30pm – BFF Bikes, Bucktown BFF Bikes and Women Bike Chicago bring you a casual ride from BFF to the Women's Park and Gardens. Anyone is welcome to join us on this 15 mile round trip ride from Bucktown, through downtown to the… Organized by Women Bike Chicago and BFF Bikes | Type: social, women, cycling
August 7, 2015 from 6:30pm to 8pm – Element Multisport The Mariposa ChallengeAdd up your summer mountain bike adventures and everyone winsTest yourself this August in The Mariposa Challenge, a month-long, digital, mountain bike event for women. Log your… Organized by Becky Mikrut | Type: social, mountain bike, women
August 26, 2015 from 6:30pm to 10pm – Columbia Yacht Club Critical Lass is a monthly 5-8 mile bike ride exclusively for women/trans cyclists. In situations where childcare is not available to you, children are welcome on ride. Meet at 6:00 ride at 6:30pm.… Organized by Critical Lass | Type: social, ride, for, women
December 17, 2015 from 6pm to 10pm – Christkindlmarket Chicago in Daley Plaza It's our Annual Holiday Ride!!! If you are new to this annual tradition, here's how to participate: Step 1: Decorate your bike! See previous December rides for some great photos. Lights, tinsel, port… Organized by Chicago Critical Lass | Type: women, social, critical, lass
January 14, 2016 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm – BFF Bikes Women Bike Chicago has a new website, new leadership and new goals, and we want to share it with everyone in the Chicago area. Join us to celebrate the launch of the new website, and to learn more a… Organized by Women Bike Chicago | Type: social, women, bikes
February 16, 2016 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm – GreenLine Wheels Women Bike Chicago and Greenline Wheels are cosponsoring this viewing and discussion of three short documentary films directed by women about women who have found self-empowerment, and happiness on t… Organized by Women Bike Chicago and Greenline Wheels | Type: social, women, bikes, networking
April 16, 2016 from 2pm to 5pm – Jaks Tap Looking to meet other ladies that have the same interests as you? Women Bike Chicago will be hosting a networking event at Jak's Tap (901 W. Jackson) for Chicago area women who ride (or are intereste… Organized by Women Bike Chicago | Type: social, women, bikes, networking
April 17, 2016 from 9:15am to 2pm – Multiple--see description oin us for our Northside Ride! There are 3 options, each differing in distance. Choose a section to ride or join us for the entire! WHOLE RIDE: ~30 miles totalMeet in Andersonville, corner of Berwyn… Organized by Women Bike Chicago | Type: social, ride, women
August 8, 2017 from 6:30pm to 10pm – Polish Triangle (Ashland, Milwaukee, Division) This month's ride is in two parts - we'll meet at Polish Triangle, wind our way to a place for food and drink, and then if people would like to join, we'll make an ice cream stop or a final dive bar… Organized by Sarah D. | Type: social, women, lbtq, trans, femme, butch, bicycles, drinks, eats, yakking
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