October 10, 2015 from 8am to 1pm – Monticello, Illinois 10, 20, 36 and 60-mile rides along the Sangamon River Valley in historic Monticello and Allerton Park. Organized by Callie Jo McFarland | Type: fundraising, event, for, local, recreation, foundation
February 18, 2016 all day – Monroe, Wisconsin YMCA If you don't make the lottery for the HHH and you love the blues and balloons, head on down to Monroe. We'll ride 20Km mostly on the trail; stretch our legs to 50Km; or push on to 100Km. All routes… Organized by Dave Fonda | Type: gran, fondo, for, cancer, treatment
June 18, 2016 all day – Monroe Clinic East Entrance Ride 60, 30, or 10 miles on scenic paved rural roads in gorgeous Green County, Wisconsin. Start & Finish at the Monroe Clinic in Monroe, Wisconsin. After your ride, head over to the Balloon &… Organized by Dave Fonda | Type: gran, fondo, for, cancer, treatment
July 23, 2016 from 7am to 3pm – North Shore suburbs Venus de Miles is the North Shore’s largest women's athletic event and finish line festival. Multiple course options welcome all ability levels and ages to this celebration of sisterhood and communit… Organized by Venus de Miles | Type: ride, for, lasting, change
October 23, 2016 from 9am to 11:30am – Illinois Centennial Monument Hello Folks. It's time for another off-road exploration. I'd like to take you all on a tour of some westside tracks and "found land". The first segment has a few rough patches of ballast, so powerin… Organized by kevin womac | Type: social, some, could, consider, it, training, for, cyclocross.
February 25, 2017 at 11:45pm to February 26, 2017 at 7am – The Goat Let's do that again. Meet at the same time, same place. Either it will be wonderfully warm, or we'll have plenty of cold beer. Organized by Your Mom | Type: scavenger, hunt, for, cold, beer
September 16, 2017 from 8am to 3pm – Sam's Club BIKE22 - Chicago Event Details: Leaving from Sam's Club in Evanston Each city will start and end at the same location. Routes will be published on the City Registration/Event Page. Start of Event: 8… Organized by Tracy Sefcik | Type: bike, ride, for, veterans, charity
September 17, 2017 from 7am to 2pm – Dawes Park, Evanston Join the inaugural Komen Chicago Ride for the Cure Team, in conjunction with the Evanston Bike Club's North Shore Century on Sunday, September 17th. Start from Dawes Park in Evanston and ride 25, 50… Organized by Komen Chicago - Ride for the Cure | Type: century, ride, fundraiser, for, komen, chicago
July 14, 2018 from 10am to 4pm – Arlington Heights Ford You're invited to our 6th annual BBQ For The Troops! We are firing up the grill again this year to raise money to support our troops. 100% of proceeds will support members as well as their families i… Organized by Tracy Sefcik | Type: bbq, for, the, troops, -, cross, country, cycle, 4, vets, and, uso
September 29, 2024 all day – St. Mary of the Assumption Church Experience one of the largest and longest-running cycling events in the Midwest! Join our annual, one-day bicycle tour on the last Sunday of September. The tour guides you through the scenic orchards… Organized by The Three Oaks Spokes Bicycle Club | Type: ride, for, fun, challenge, kid-friendly, social, heartland, exploration
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