May 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 – Online - National Bike Challenge Join us for our second year as a team. Last year we did really well but they've wiped our history and put us back to square one. So let's rally as many cyclists for The Chainlink as we can! A few ru… Organized by The Chainlink | Type: national bike challenge, bike ride
September 16, 2017 all day – Kenosha County Silver Lake Park MTB Trails Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series The Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series is a 12 hour morning to evening and six hour afternoon to evening bike relay event. Teams consist of two to four… Organized by WEMS (Wisconsin Endurance Mountain Bike Series) | Type: mountain bike race, mountain bike, mtb, bike race, wems
September 16, 2017 to September 17, 2017 – Downtown Elgin, IL to Rochelle, IL Seeking a killer weekend adventure? We've got you covered! We cycle 55 miles, transitioning from urban craziness to tranquil country side. The finish line isn't some boring piece of tape, but a sweet… Organized by Eric Alvarez | Type: social, touring
September 16, 2017 from 7am to 5pm – Liberty Bible Church Experience the beauty of our casual coast and country. Ride through Victorian-era towns and farmland on scenic back roads and enjoy incredible views along Lake Michigan. Established in 1980 our ride… Organized by Jodi Jackson | Type: social
September 16, 2017 from 8am to 3pm – Sam's Club BIKE22 - Chicago Event Details: Leaving from Sam's Club in Evanston Each city will start and end at the same location. Routes will be published on the City Registration/Event Page. Start of Event: 8… Organized by Tracy Sefcik | Type: bike, ride, for, veterans, charity
September 16, 2017 from 11:15am to 12:45pm – Slade St and Smith St Join us on this casual family ride from Smith & Slade Streets through Deer Grove Forest Preserve and back to the Rotary Club's Oktoberfest. Fun, food, bands and beer! No Ride Leaders. https://www… Organized by Bike Palatine Club | Type: social, family, casual
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