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About frickin time.... I always wondered why this line didn't let bikes on.  I guess better late than never.  So, who is going to be the first cyclist to take their bike on??? 

will it be you? is there a prize?

no I.

I was the second!

I'll definitely be taking advantage of this. I've been thinking about how to get some riding done outside of the city. This will be perfect.

I hope they retrofit all the Indiana stations.  I might have a use for a ride to Michigan City.

This will allow, if nothing else, same-day round-trip rides to Greenbush :)

Theoretically.  Can't actually use the Michigan City stations though.

Sunshine on a cloudy day.

They had a trial run last fall 2015. Must have been ok. Get off in Chesterton/Indiana Dunes / hwy 49 and a beautiful ride into Michigan City

Yep, the Dunes Park station is going to be the hot spot. Center of everything, South Shore offices and a police station. Not to mention the high platform necessary for entry and exit.

and there's wifi!


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