New Wood St. Bike Lane Could Extend to The 6O6, Cortland St. in 2O17- DNAInfo

Source: DNAInfo, article by Alisa Hauser

DNAInfo asks about a proposed new bike lane:

"If Wood St. extended a bike lane from Milwaukee to Cortland, would you take it instead of Damen?"

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Yes, yes, yes!

More bikes lanes! Always good news to hear about new proposals. Thanks for posting!

Wood in that stretch is a good street to ride anyway and many people already take it.

The proposal is not very clear.

"It will ultimately extend the existing Wood Street Neighborhood Greenway that currently exists between Augusta and Milwaukee Avenue," Claffey said. 

The only bike lane in that "neighborhood greenway" is the contraflow lane on Wicker Park Avenue between Wolcott and Wood.  If the extension is done in the same way, all it will be are sharrows and bike boxes at intersections with lights.

I rode part of Wood south of Wicker Park Avenue today, and I wanted to clarify that the sharrows are in green boxes.  I guess that is what makes it a "greenway".

I wish they'd tackle problem areas before messing with what are already pretty pleasant streets like Wood.
Just curious, would you like to elaborate on what you consider are problem areas?


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