We've had some discussion lately about the need for more bike facilities on the southwest. Folks have spoken up about Archer and other streets.  I welcome your constructive comments and ideas here. 

The next Mayor's Bike Advisory Council meeting is coming up in a few weeks. If you have issues you'd like me to raise there, please speak up here!

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I think the southwest side as a whole needs more bike lanes. All the new additions of bike lanes seem to  be concentrated in the north side and towards the center of the city. There are a lot of cyclists from the southwest side of the city

I agree. I would like specific suggestions (street name and section of that street - between which streets) from people who live and/or ride in southwest side neighborhoods. Archer and California are on my list.

Also, if there are destinations you to where bike racks are needed, I encourage you to request them here:  http://chicagocompletestreets.org/your-streets/bike-parking/#rackre...

Honestly I would say all of Archer needs bike lanes. Or at least from Narraganset to State Elston has bikes lanes from near downtown all the way to where it meets Milwuakee near Niles. Archer is such a popular route for everyone on the south side

How did it (the MBAC meeting) go? Anything we can do to follow-up/support a fix for the Archer problem? Thanks!

(forgive me if this got addressed elsewhere.)

Thanks to public input in the Streets for Cycling 2020 plan, Archer is on CDOT's radar for improvement. IDOT jurisdiction complicates the process.  There is no specified timeline. I will continue to ask for updates.

Got a bit of welcome news. Alderman Zalewski is asking for an Archer road diet in his ward (23rd)! FYI - Archer is in his ward from 4200W to 7200W.  http://communities.pioneerlocal.com/pdfs/maps/23rdWardMap.pdf

I rode Archer from State to Halsted on my way home one night. Had no problems, but I found myself wishing that for a wider lane where the street narrows and curves between Canal and Halsted.

I'm torn on bike lanes, but would love to see Ogden from Sacramento to Chicago have lanes. Since California is broken up by the tracks, Western would be great to have lanes, but Oakley is totally nice to ride. My 2 bits.

Ogden currently has lanes from Monroe to Fulton - a fraction of what it needs, but a start. 

Yes, Oakley can be lovely.

At the 6/11 CDOT meeting, I was told that Ogden is under study as a Spoke route (major route) in the Streets for Cycling 2020 plan. Since it's a route with IDOT jurisdiction, this slows down the process somewhat.  CDOT has funding for the design part of the process but does not yet have construction funding. They're working on it - no timeline specified. I will keep asking for updates.

There was a bit of extra encouragement regarding Ogden. The Lawndale Christian Health Center is advocating for a safer reconfiguration of Ogden to better accommodate peds and bikes.

That would be great! We just got Divvys round near Sinai and at the intersection of Roose and Ogden. Better infra would be awesome!

Having a health organization pushing for better infra is a good thing.

Ha!  I was just heading over to say that there's an interesting SW-side tangent on the "Who Else :(" thread [http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/who-else-has-gone-from-ser...]  ...and here's grayn8 already beat me to it!  For the record, I would love to see expanded bike lanes and signage along the length of Archer, and essentially adding lanes to all the "routes" would go a long way.  I'd especially like to see 35th between Archer and Halsted, and Central get upgraded.  Not sure about Western as it's such a thoroughfare, though between the "Ave" and the "Blvd" there might be enough room to work with?


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