So I'll simply say "A tout a l'heure" (which I choose to translate as a suave "later!"). I scored my New Orleans apartment today, and now the wheels are furiously in motion to get me 1000 miles south. Here's my new place:

It's been a feverishly fast 4+ years here in Chicago, and I've had a helluva time. I'll be relocating almost exactly in a month, and I have still tons to address. I'll be posting stuff I'd like to give away or sell for next to nothing, including bike parts and furniture, and the Chainlink denizens shall get first pick.

And I'd also like to extend an open invite to my CL buddies to come down, stay over, and have a freakout down in N.O. if the need arises!

For what it's worth, I've never lived in a finer cycling city, and my enthusiasm for moving back home is definitely dimmed by the fact that you batty 2-wheeled (if not more!) lot aren't gonna be around no mo'.

Cheers, you wonderful, kickass bastards!


P.S. I'll definitely still be chiming in ova heah between now and my move date!

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Sorry to see you go Jason :('ll be missed at Lakeshore Bike!
Good luck brother....
Aw. Bon chance!
your place is adorable.
Dude! Sad to see you're leaving, but sounds like a good opportunity to relocate someplace cool! Good luck!
Congrats on finding a new place in NOLA. Laissez les bon temps roulez! (hope I didn't butcher that)
Who have you annointed to lead ride to eat, eat to ride?

My kitties and I will miss you.
Good for you, and BOO for Chicago - we are losing another fun cyclist. NO could probably use its own Chainlink ~
We'll miss you Jason! Best of luck!! :)
Good luck, Jason! Be sure to check out our sister organization,

Ethan and all the folks at Active Trans
You guys have a sister? Who are your mommy and daddy?

Active Transportation Alliance said:
Good luck, Jason! Be sure to check out our sister organization,

Ethan and all the folks at Active Trans
Good luck and take care!


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