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Next weeks weather event explained starting with Super Typhoon Nuriin in the pacific that didn't make landfall.

(not fake)

Real snow or fake snow?

Tom A.K. said:

Time for the Bike Winter Wimps to start getting organized.

I posted this discussion because I was amazed that the media and the "weather professors" are overreacting to an upcoming cold snap. What are they gonna call it now if we do get to 10below/40below wind chill. "COLDMAGEDDON"! ?

Anyways, my winter riding cutoff temperature is ~15degrees with mod.wind chills. No ice or mod/heavy snow uncleared accumulations. Respect goes out to the Bike Winter people but riding safely in winter does require a certain skill level. I don't think you would be a wimp if you wanted to wait till conditions were right for your skill level to ride safely. Better safe than sorry. It's okay for this cycling season to end and see ya in season 2015.

Also: Haddon, that Super Typhoon Nuriin pic is trippin' cool !


Yeah, that sounds about right - craptacular weather week for this early in the season.
Haddon said:


That's one way of looking at it as a glass half full. ;) Divvy Bikes are likely to be more available, too.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

At least the bike rack in the building where I work will be empty ;)

Last winter was pretty brutal, but somehow, I'm still looking forward to it, starting this week. I'm pro snow!

I would prefer we not have 40 below wind chills, but I can deal with the usual cold.  Before November 15 is a bit much, but, "oh well".  Sorry, Michelle, but I hope we don't see that white stuff for a very long time.

As much as I dislike cold weather, I hate my allergies more. A good cold snap will get rid of them and then bring on frozen snot instead.

I prefer the look I get when riding.  Yesterday I left in cycling shorts and bundled up on top (my legs don't get cold easily) and people gave me weird looks.  However on the ride home it was well worth having the shorts over the pants.

I am excited about the snow and cold.  Less sweat on my end....


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