You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the young guy zipping along on a Divvy bike in the Dearborn bike lane who blew through the red line at Adams - thank you SO much for being so considerate of all the pedestrians who were trying to cross without a collision or having their feet run over. May you get blocked and have to wait at EVERY red light for the rest of the week.

To the NY Volvo driver who plowed through a crosswalk full of peds just after 5:00 pm at State and Adams - you deserved MUCH worse than you got at the next intersection. For a moment I wished that the CTA bus driver you cut off had slower reflexes and bumped you just enough to dent your precious car and inconvenience you like you inconvenienced everyone on that bus and everyone waiting behind that bus. May you get stuck in lengthy gridlock behind the next CTA bus you encounter.

And make all of us look bad by association.

Jeff Schneider said:

To the many cyclists I've seen lately who blow through stop signs when others are already at the intersection waiting to go,  what gives?  You have a lot more faith in drivers watching out for your safety than is warranted.

Drivers and peds alike on Wells are terrible--I gave up educating them and now take Sedgewick/Orleans instead.

Mike Zumwalt said:

Doing a good clip down Wells in Old Town the 3 of you bar hoppers? just ran out into the street from behind a parked SUV I couldn't have stopped or swerved, luckily I threaded the needle.

 Maybe look first before you cross the street?

Two guys - riding separately - came off WB Congress, salmoning up LaSalle towards Van Buren, nearly hitting peds who were coming from the Metra station. Was that really necessary guys? There's always a lot of ped traffic there around 8:30 in the morning. Why salmon there, especially at that hour?

To the driver of the enormous black SUV that turned left in front of me, crossing my bike lane at about 5:45 this evening causing me to also turn left, squeezing between you and the south-bound traffic on Peoria and pounding my fist on your vast flanks:

You asked "How was I supposed to see you?" Let me help you here.

1) As you approached me from behind, you may have noticed my *insanely bright* flashing red light,

2) you may have noticed the retro-reflective dots on my helmet or my bright orange jacket,

3) as you turned in front of me, you might have heard my *air horn* and

4) noticed my very bright LED headlight, or

5) the motorists on Peoria honking at you.

If that doesn't make it clear, please consider the advice I gave you in response to your question:

Thank you.


To the truck eastbound on Kinzie that passed me approaching Wells and then turned right in front of me, thanks for reminding of the overriding principle of life--especially riding a bike--that one should expect someone to do something stupid every single second.  Saved me again!

Expecting the unexpected can save a life!

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

To the truck eastbound on Kinzie that passed me approaching Wells and then turned right in front of me, thanks for reminding of the overriding principle of life--especially riding a bike--that one should expect someone to do something stupid every single second.  Saved me again!

Thanks instant karma or just the coincidence of a bus blocking your you drove down the side streets too fast honking at everyone in your path, me, the biker before me, the pedestrians crossing on a walk signal and then the bus you got stuck behind which you then honked at.

I hope you had a frustrating slow ride to wherever you were going.

And no I wont just move out of your way while waiting for the light to change!

That feeling you get when a dude comfortably chilln on a skateboard passes you going up a "hill"... that makes you question your mode of transportation. :)

To the genius in the Audi on Dearborn this morning, you were doing a stellar job of driving while talking on the phone when you almost hit the Divvy rider in the bike lane.  Even better when you almost hit me (walking on the sidewalk) right after you almost hit the Divvy rider. Hang up and drive!

That nitwit is lucky you didn't just plow into him/her. How is it possible the pinhead "didn't see" you? Easy: he/she didn't LQQK! Good thing you weren't a car.


Andy Moss 9.5 said:

You:  said sorry, said (incredibly) "I didn't see you" (how is that possible), and you jogged across the street (presumably to Union Station) while I lay there in a puddle.


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