I am just curious - If you were building/buying/riding a bike, how many brakes would you want on it and in front or back or both?

- Fixed Gear
- Single Speed (SS)
- Fixed Gear/SS (Flip Fop hub)
- Geared Road
- Geared Mountain

ALSO- Front Brake, Right or Left

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i only ride geared road bikes, and i rarely use my rear brake, but when i need it, I'm glad that its there.
fixed- front/right
Fixed - Sans Brakes.
Fixed- Front.
S/S- depends on the frame and what looks good but prefer 2.
Everything else- both.

Front- right.
fixed and depends on the gear ratio...
and the size of hills im falling down..
but normally a front break only. and its mounted on my stem cause it didnt fit on my bars. :)
Motorcycle front brake- right. That's how I'm comfortable with it, anyway.

M.A.R.K. said:
My front brakes are always on my Left.. I see alot that are on the right and for some reason it's just odd to me to brake the front with my right hand. I would be to afraid I think(since im right handed and used to the right being the rear brake)to have it on the right as maybe I would squeeze to hard and endo.
ss- both, front/left

fixed both, front/left (thinking of changing)
So my question is for all you people that rock no brakes or front brakes...
Did ya take the time and train your body on what it would do if ya crash?
IE; go to a grassy field and jam your front brakes and practice on how you would fall or if no brakes practice laying down your bike...
I have at least one of all of those bikes, the only one I don't have two brakes on is my city fixie. It's geared low enough that skidding is no problem, and I have a pretty powerful front brake, so I've never had a problem stopping. On my fixed gear that I do longer rides on I have two brakes- at the end of a century, my legs are usually pretty toasted, so I don't want to rely only on them for stopping if someone in a car cuts me off.

And actually, I've had the single brake lever on my fixies on both sides, just because I didn't want to buy multiple sets to get levers for a couple of bikes, so I just split a set. You just have to remind yourself which side the brake lever is on before you ride.
fixed, no brakes
haha no crash tests for me ... ive always been rather agile & just react well in falling situations ... maybe ive fallen enough in the past that its just innate now but tuck & roll is would be my way to go if ever in that situation.

Chuck a Muck said:
So my question is for all you people that rock no brakes or front brakes...
Did ya take the time and train your body on what it would do if ya crash?
IE; go to a grassy field and jam your front brakes and practice on how you would fall or if no brakes practice laying down your bike...
one thing you should know about having no brakes (lotsa fixies do it)... is that if someone hits you, it no longer matters whose fault it was.... YOU LOOSE!

Let's say some cell phone blabbing, monster SUV driving dingbat darts into the bike lane and smashes you. After you get fitted for your flashy new cas(s), you're going to have to go to court.

Said dingbat needs only to prove that your bike has no brakes in order to dump all fault right back on to you, no matter what.

Stinks - doesn't it!


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