I was riding a Divvy from the gym to the office when a cab honks at me from behind. I figure that since he's in such a rush that he felt the the need to save 12 seconds, I'd put him on a timeout. I stood in front of the car to delay him while I waited for my stopwatch to count up to 5 minutes. Was I wrong? #SorryImNotSorry

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what did he do/say? 

I don't even remember. I was so enraged.

Divvy riders are a new kind of cyclist for sure. Doing things I would never do...

I think we all understand your anger.  The problem is that all that this does is "justify" the view of the Cab Driver that Bicycle Riders don't follow the rules of the road and are "jerks".    The next time, perhaps, he will simply nudge the bicycle out of the way or cut in and out to pass the bicyclist.   Remember, we bicyclists are a very small minority of the road users and if the majority decides to do so, they could force us off the roads overnight.   All it would take is an ordinance making it a crime to ride a bicycle on a public roadway.   Off the sidewalks, off the roadway.    And the public would be told "well the bicyclists have the bike paths like LSD".     A nightmare scenario?  Yup.  But one that actions like this make more likely.

The right response, get his number and file a report.   Enough reports and he's off the road.

You can get pushed around if you want. I'll be cycling until I am DEAD.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I think we all understand your anger.  The problem is that all that this does is "justify" the view of the Cab Driver that Bicycle Riders don't follow the rules of the road and are "jerks".    The next time, perhaps, he will simply nudge the bicycle out of the way or cut in and out to pass the bicyclist.   Remember, we bicyclists are a very small minority of the road users and if the majority decides to do so, they could force us off the roads overnight.   All it would take is an ordinance making it a crime to ride a bicycle on a public roadway.   Off the sidewalks, off the roadway.    And the public would be told "well the bicyclists have the bike paths like LSD".     A nightmare scenario?  Yup.  But one that actions like this make more likely.

The right response, get his number and file a report.   Enough reports and he's off the road.

I don't get pushed around.  I engage in effective responses to bad drivers.  Filing a complaint with the City about a bad Taxi Driver may not produce the same "burst" of Adrenalin that a direct confrontation will produce, but its more effective.   Its ultimately a choice between being an Adult and engaging in an effective response, and acting like a Child and throwing a tantrum.   The problem for us Adults is that the Children make it more likely that we will get hit or otherwise suffer adverse consequences.   Frankly, I don't care if you ride until you die, I just don't want to see your techniques increase the chances for an accident for me.   

Your "solution" simply leaves one more bad driver on the road... one that now has a "beef" with bicycles and an increased chance that they will act out.

My "solution" potentially takes a bad driver off the road.   

See the difference?

Juan Boyce said:

You can get pushed around if you want. I'll be cycling until I am DEAD.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I think we all understand your anger.  The problem is that all that this does is "justify" the view of the Cab Driver that Bicycle Riders don't follow the rules of the road and are "jerks".    The next time, perhaps, he will simply nudge the bicycle out of the way or cut in and out to pass the bicyclist.   Remember, we bicyclists are a very small minority of the road users and if the majority decides to do so, they could force us off the roads overnight.   All it would take is an ordinance making it a crime to ride a bicycle on a public roadway.   Off the sidewalks, off the roadway.    And the public would be told "well the bicyclists have the bike paths like LSD".     A nightmare scenario?  Yup.  But one that actions like this make more likely.

The right response, get his number and file a report.   Enough reports and he's off the road.

What is it was the Ca$h Cab and you indirectly helped the passengers win buckets and buckets of money? Hmmmmm. 

Not saying I agree with your response (I think you might have handled the situation better, as others have suggested), but it made me think of this:

Sheryl Crow - If it Makes you Happy

I just can't believe the cab couldn't switch lanes in 5 min? 

He was apparently so infuriated he went into a catatonic state and just sat there. :-)

Michelle Milham said:

I just can't believe the cab couldn't switch lanes in 5 min? 

Way to be an inflammatory jerk who is escalating a situation; great job.

This is the method I prefer. I've filed complaints with the city about a number of bad cab drivers in recent years. If you get a witness who's willing to back up your complaint, it helps the cause. 

No, it isn't as satisfying to push paper, but following legal channels against the driver can get results.  I'd much rather do that than instantly increase his rage against cyclists.

Once I was on the receiving end from a guy like that - someone I'd done nothing to offend other than riding a bike. I felt lucky to escape that situation with my body and bike intact, as that guy made multiple attempts to run me over, squeeze me into parked cars or force me into oncoming traffic. I'd rather live to ride another day, and see my fellow cyclists survive unharmed.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I don't get pushed around.  I engage in effective responses to bad drivers.  Filing a complaint with the City about a bad Taxi Driver may not produce the same "burst" of Adrenalin that a direct confrontation will produce, but its more effective.   Its ultimately a choice between being an Adult and engaging in an effective response, and acting like a Child and throwing a tantrum.   The problem for us Adults is that the Children make it more likely that we will get hit or otherwise suffer adverse consequences.   Frankly, I don't care if you ride until you die, I just don't want to see your techniques increase the chances for an accident for me.   

Your "solution" simply leaves one more bad driver on the road... one that now has a "beef" with bicycles and an increased chance that they will act out.

My "solution" potentially takes a bad driver off the road.   

See the difference?


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