Traffic Rule Question: Which Side of the Left Turn Lane Should I Be on?

I always thought that when taking a left turn from a left turn lane that you should take the turn from the right side of the left turn lane (if not taking the whole lane), but riding with my wife last week, I noticed that she turns from the left side of the left turn lane. I told her that she was turning from the wrong side, but she told me, with a good deal of confidence, that it's actually me who is turning from the wrong side. Her confidence has shaken my own confidence because she does regular training rides with other cyclists and I generally ride alone. To me, it seems stupid to turn from the left side of the left turn lane because you'll have to cross the cars turning left to get back to the right side of the road, but, then again, I have seen some pretty pro looking cyclists taking lefts from the left side of the left turn lane.

Who's right? I tried googling this but most sites don't say either way (plus I did a cursory search of this forum). I did, however, find this image that seems to support my belief. The question is driving me crazy.

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Actually I couldn't figure out how to add the image wo using the attachment button because I don't see any camera icon from the iPad format.
Right side of the lane makes sense to me (and is what I do). Your turn radius is outside the cars' radius, providing you a direct route to the bike lane (if it exists). No crossing paths with the cars.

I'm with Skip. I'll typically position myself a foot or two right of center. If there's no one in the oncoming left turn lane then I'll also box the turn so that a car turning left behind me has plenty of room. 

The rules of the road state that a bicyclist should be on the right side of the rightmost lane that goes in the direction of your travel. So you were right.
I'm with AM. I take center of the lane, as I don't want a car on either side of me in a turn. You're in the motorists blind spot as s/he passed you on your left.

Yeah, taking the lane seems safest to me.

I had an argument with a taxi driver last week on EB Washington while turning left/north onto the Dearborn PBL. He said I should be as far left as possible rather than taking the lane. I believe he is wrong.

Thunder Snow said:

I'm with AM. I take center of the lane, as I don't want a car on either side of me in a turn. You're in the motorists blind spot as s/he passed you on your left.

I'm with Skip and Tristan. I often sit right on the line between the Left turn lane and  the proceed forward lane. Everybody goes and nobody gets into the other's way. I am attracted to the beauty of synchronous movement as we all get where we want to go without tripping over each other. A car turns to my left and another goes straight from my right. I make the left turn and find myself on the right side of the lane when I am done. 


David Barish said:

I'm with Skip and Tristan. I often sit right on the line between the Left turn lane and  the proceed forward lane. Everybody goes and nobody gets into the other's way. I am attracted to the beauty of synchronous movement as we all get where we want to go without tripping over each other. A car turns to my left and another goes straight from my right. I make the left turn and find myself on the right side of the lane when I am done. 

The League of American Bicyclists teaches to always use the rightmost portion of the lane that goes in your direction of travel.  I am certified by the League as a cycling instructor.  In practice I find that taking the lane is often the best approach.

Your wife is right. Because your wife is always right.

What was the question again?

You are a very wise man.

Justin B Newman said:

Your wife is right. Because your wife is always right.

What was the question again?

Ironclad man rule #999 : If you are married you are wrong (always. even when cycling alone)

Otherwise  (single,divorced,separated,estranged,widowed) - you are probably wrong; unless you are

on a guys night out or bachelor party.

I'm pretty certain I am correct here; but there is a very remote chance I am wrong.

Justin B Newman said:

Your wife is right. Because your wife is always right.

What was the question again?


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