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I think it's brilliant. Scary? For sure, which is obviously the whole point. Now if I were a 7 year old kid who had seen that ad, you can be damn sure I'm going to demand my parents buckle their seat belts next time I'm riding in their car, and I wouldn't stop crying until they did.

It baffles me that they would be upset by this commercial when their kids are sitting there with them watching all the unscrupulous superbowl crap in the first place. It's not even graphic. It just says that not wearing a seat belt can be deadly/wearing one could saves lives - which is something we're supposed to tell our kids anyway, right?
....Awe. Little Timmy was traumatized by this commercial that came on right after the one of the latest video game where you murder people & before the one of people chugging energy drinks & having sex while jumping off a cliff. Awe...

One of those things that says more about the complainer than the subject of the complaint.

I'm sure the average seven-year-old has seen about a thousand deaths, on-screen or implied, in his or her short life.

Nothing beats this Irish drunk driving ad.

If you watch the whole thing you really don't know where it's going until the end.

Haha! Oh man, that's terrible - I mean awesome.

All the judgement over the featured football contest aside, I think you have a point. If the ad were played during the Saturday morning cartoon blitz (and yes I know there are some loud and violent cartoons) I would think the add was not appropriate. I think it would be poor taste to play that add on Nikelodeon. Given that the viewers are watching a football game with its attendant violence I didn't have a problem with the ad. 

How would we react if Giro placed an ad (during the Superbowl, for My Little Pony, whenever) with the driver's ed  movie type of slow motion depiction of the bad things that would happen if you did not use their product? Would we find it in bad taste? Would we applaud? 

The Grizz said:

It baffles me that they would be upset by this commercial when their kids are sitting there with them watching all the unscrupulous superbowl crap in the first place. It's not even graphic. It just says that not wearing a seat belt can be deadly/wearing one could saves lives - which is something we're supposed to tell our kids anyway, right?

   Although not a football fan, by "unscrupulous" I was referring to the notorious advertising (& at times risque halftime show) displayed during the superbowl. Stuff I wouldn't even want my 9 year old to watch (my kids don't sit in front of the TV & have never been to the movies - they read books & play outside). This was a public service ad (not promoting a product), though I would be overjoyed to see a bicycle helmet commercial!

David Barish said:

All the judgement over the featured football contest aside, I think you have a point. If the ad were played during the Saturday morning cartoon blitz (and yes I know there are some loud and violent cartoons) I would think the add was not appropriate. I think it would be poor taste to play that add on Nikelodeon. Given that the viewers are watching a football game with its attendant violence I didn't have a problem with the ad. 

How would we react if Giro placed an ad (during the Superbowl, for My Little Pony, whenever) with the driver's ed  movie type of slow motion depiction of the bad things that would happen if you did not use their product? Would we find it in bad taste? Would we applaud? 

The Grizz said:

It baffles me that they would be upset by this commercial when their kids are sitting there with them watching all the unscrupulous superbowl crap in the first place. It's not even graphic. It just says that not wearing a seat belt can be deadly/wearing one could saves lives - which is something we're supposed to tell our kids anyway, right?

I like unrealistic driving combined with unsafe cycling personally.

Ha! I've seen this ad before. It's annoying that all of the cyclists are on fixies. Hilarious caption that says "fantasy. do not attempt. cars can't jump trains." Hahaha!

Mike Zumwalt said:

I like unrealistic driving combined with unsafe cycling personally.

New Zealand did something similar but more cleverly done imo:

Wow. That is a REALLY good ad. Heart-wrenching.

WalkThroughWater said:

New Zealand did something similar but more cleverly done imo:


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