You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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this should be nominated for some kind of it.

Tim S said:

To the pedestrian I avoided this morning, you are right I did not stop for that stop sign... guilty as charged.

I was watching you on your cell walk towards the intersection chatting away, saw that you were walking into the crosswalk with out looking, I slowed and was planning on taking your six. Seems that you realized, when you noticed the car bumper in the corner of your eye, that you were in the street and jumped back... into my path. Sure I know I should have stopped but when riding in the city cyclists make calculations on where traffic/pedestrians are going as we ride along the street and you totally behaved erratically, you zigged when I was expecting a zag. I slowed enough that we were in no peril of colliding, the look on your face said it all "wholly crap I just walked into an intersection and totally did not realize it" Both the cars and I were aware of your lack of attention, you were safe... from us.

FWIW, when you live in the northern part of a city in the northern part of the state in the northern part of the country calling someone "Bra" just sounds so silly especially when you are a rolly polly fella in a poorly fit suite with dark hair. You my friend are no Patrick Swazye. 

well done bra..


dan brown said:

this should be nominated for some kind of it.

Tim S said:

To the pedestrian I avoided this morning, you are right I did not stop for that stop sign... guilty as charged.

I was watching you on your cell walk towards the intersection chatting away, saw that you were walking into the crosswalk with out looking, I slowed and was planning on taking your six. Seems that you realized, when you noticed the car bumper in the corner of your eye, that you were in the street and jumped back... into my path. Sure I know I should have stopped but when riding in the city cyclists make calculations on where traffic/pedestrians are going as we ride along the street and you totally behaved erratically, you zigged when I was expecting a zag. I slowed enough that we were in no peril of colliding, the look on your face said it all "wholly crap I just walked into an intersection and totally did not realize it" Both the cars and I were aware of your lack of attention, you were safe... from us.

FWIW, when you live in the northern part of a city in the northern part of the state in the northern part of the country calling someone "Bra" just sounds so silly especially when you are a rolly polly fella in a poorly fit suite with dark hair. You my friend are no Patrick Swazye. 

Love it Tim.


I had a nice one. Older woman on a bike rolled up behind me and complimented my bike tattoo at the intersection of Damen and Addison. Then said "it's really cute" and had the cutest giggle. Made me laugh.

To the woman driving her car  with Illinois License plate p18 2780 who yelled at me that I needed to get through the cross walk faster as she made a left turn from Clark to Washington around noon today - I was a pedestrian you may have failed to notice the white walk sign was illuminated and that you started your turn while that sign was still white. I was permitted to be in that crosswalk and you were not. Please pay attention.  Please take a xanax and please don't drive after you take the pill.

To the USPS tractor trailer driver who pulled out of the post office at Irving and Southport and then went northbound: Thanks for paying attention to bicyclists and giving us a lot of space. I did notice that your left wheel was consistently on the yellow line. Well done!

To the skateboarder who, I think cursed me out yesterday afternoon on Milwaukee (it was hard to hear, but I thought I heard the f-bomb): if you don't want to get squeezed, don't roll out from behind parked cars and salmon. I ain't movin' over for ya.

That's great!

I was riding next to a Skokie Beverage tuck on Clybourn the other day that was driving similarly - left wheel on the yellow line - very clear signals and driving. Such a refreshing experience!

Duppie 13.5185km said:

To the USPS tractor trailer driver who pulled out of the post office at Irving and Southport and then went northbound: Thanks for paying attention to bicyclists and giving us a lot of space. I did notice that your left wheel was consistently on the yellow line. Well done!

It's things like this that make me think that the CPD needs to crack down on traffic laws and start ticketing violations left and right for a while.  A little time and I'm sure drivers will learn plus the city gets some money from fines to help with the budget.  I was just visiting home for a bit and the difference was night and day.  

Just a few anecdotes:  I was waiting at a crosswalk going across a 4 lane road and 3 cars in different lanes stopped to let me pass even though there was a gap behind them that I could cross in.  Likewise, I've had a car turning  onto a street stop and wait for me to cross from the other side of the street even though it could have turned before I got to the lane it was turning onto.  Finally I saw 4 lanes of traffic get a green light and then stop about a 100 meters down the road to let someone cross in a mid-block crosswalk.

I would be shocked if any of this happened in Chicago.  

David Barish said:

To the woman driving her car  with Illinois License plate p18 2780 who yelled at me that I needed to get through the cross walk faster as she made a left turn from Clark to Washington around noon today - I was a pedestrian you may have failed to notice the white walk sign was illuminated and that you started your turn while that sign was still white. I was permitted to be in that crosswalk and you were not. Please pay attention.  Please take a xanax and please don't drive after you take the pill.

Maybe this is just a trend, but I've had the most polite interactions this week with motorists on Clybourn (btw North and Southport) : checking mirrors and returning my acknowledgement wave when I'm worried about being doored, letting me into the main lane with a wave for a second to go around parked delivery trucks, etc. 

Julia C 7.5 mi said:

That's great!

I was riding next to a Skokie Beverage tuck on Clybourn the other day that was driving similarly - left wheel on the yellow line - very clear signals and driving. Such a refreshing experience!

Duppie 13.5185km said:

To the USPS tractor trailer driver who pulled out of the post office at Irving and Southport and then went northbound: Thanks for paying attention to bicyclists and giving us a lot of space. I did notice that your left wheel was consistently on the yellow line. Well done!

I had a lady in a car stop, then start, then stop and wave me through. I put my feet down, crossed my arms, shook my head and enunciated "No. I don't trust you." slowly so she could read my lips over her car radio. 

Steve Weeks said:

I agree with you both. Stop at red lights, then proceed *if* there's no cross-traffic and there are no cars also waiting. Slow for stop signs, but stop if there are cars that should have the right-of-way. If someone pulls that "no, YOU go first" crap, I put my foot down and get off the saddle. This usually gives them the hint. I always give them a friendly wave as they go. :-)

"Bikes are traffic too!"


Melanie K said:

I have to agree with Gabe- I don't roll through when there are cars present, but I hate when I come to a full stop, then the guy in the car to the right "waves" me through. I know he/she is being all friendly and nice letting me go, but at that point when a person with the right of way sees me stop, I want them to do what they are supposed to do- which is go. 

Gabe said:
I Roll Stop signs unless I see traffic then i stop. I hate the wave. You get to the stop sign, stop, and the ass head in the car that has the right of way waves you on or sits there thinking you are gonna run the stop. Hate it. Red lights is a stop.
Greasy young hipster boy with the green t and tattoo sleeve cruising on the sidewalk down North Ave weaving slow through pedestrians while riding a little girls pink bmx... WTH on so many levels.

Me: stopped at Kinzie and Wells around 5:15pm yesterday, west-bound, waiting in the center of the green box/marked lane. You: orange shirt and timbuk2 bag with "can't stop, don't want to" attitude. You not only blew the light, almost got hit, and terrified a pedestrian, but you actually CLIPPED ME as you flew through the 18" gap between me and stopped traffic!! What the f*ck is wrong with you?!


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