They posted yesterday a rather vague statement ( with a link to their disclaimer.

What do you think?

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Sort've a non-apology - like their PR person or general counsel is trying to distance the company's reputation from the drunk driver. I like your comment Serge :)

Sort've a non-apology - like their PR person or general counsel is trying to distance the company's reputation from the drunk driver.


I'd like to think that I had a part in the response. I was posting the tribune article on any part of their FB site demanding some kind of response. I kind of understand the vagueness of the statement as the company isn't directly responsible. That being said, I do feel that they have some sort of responsibility on promoting responsible drinking, especially since this was one of their partners. They could have mentioned where this happened though. Its way better than nothing.

It was disabled to me as well yesterday. I'm guessing the site manager is blocking comments on an individual bases. So if you haven't been blocked. Post on the site, if you want.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

BTW, all the comments on their FB statement have been removed, and commenting disabled.

Maybe we should stop discussing this site and linking to it? 500 or so likes? It's a bit player, if that. And continued linking and discussing is just going to drive unnecessary traffic to their site and FB page.

I sent an email to them via their comment section as soon as I found out the connection a few days ago. 

His apologists try to gloss over the fact he failed a field sobriety test, was found to have had the equivalent (according to news sources) of 6 drinks in an hour by 6:45 PM, jumping in a car with friends, traveled at almost twice the speed limit, and killing a man commuting home. There were so many things wrong with that situation, and by some freak of fortunate luck the accident did not take the lives of the occupants in his car and the other car he hit head on as well. Oh but he attempted CPR, he stuck around, no he is no saint he did the basics after causing a horrific tragedy that was completely preventable... COMPLETELY preventable. 

His company offering a half assed response to this tragedy, as well as a little self promotion is rather weak and disgusting. 

Lame. They're actively removing comments. I don't see Serge's original one, or any others at this point.

They have good legal consul. San Hamel's facebook and twitter and Myspace were pulled down right quick.

Anyways I'm not sure if you all saw this... but please sign and share it.

Thanks so much

I spotted this on the petition site:

#3536 James Clark Jun 4, 2013 Park Ridge, IL
His attorney is a former Cook County judge with lots of clout.

Simone said:

They have good legal consul. San Hamel's facebook and twitter and Myspace were pulled down right quick.

Anyways I'm not sure if you all saw this... but please sign and share it.

Thanks so much

One thing to note as well is that BEFORE the accident did not have a disclaimer or statement of any kind taking a stand against excessive and irresponsible uses of alcohol. Yet their statement on Facebook, with a link to a page now on their site, mentions that they intend to "renew" their efforts. That's difficult to do if there were no efforts previously.

They also post-edited a select number of Facebook posts to include messages expressing a disapproval of various forms of "alcohol abuse", so they could show they have "taken a stand" before this half hearted disclaimer. When I pointed this deception out in the comments, they deleted my comment and have blocked me from posting others. Hmm, wonder why?

that site is really lame btw. Beta version ? what a joke.

my kids designed better web pages 10 years ago.

oh doesn't really surprise me.

I will not be visiting there again or their facebook page either


I don't mean to make much of this. I have exchanged some strongly worded messages with some biking friends. I cannot sign a petition insisting that the case go to trial. I want the driver to face the full wrath of the law.  However, I feel that insisting on a trial serves no purpose and as a life long liberal it smacks of a lynch mob.  I have no problem with showing up at court, making voices heard, etc. I have a big problem with insisting that the case must go to trial. I am sure many here will take issue with this. I will not reply regardless of the responses as I do not want to derail this thread and take the focus of Bobby's unfortunate death and the liklihood that an apparently drunk driver was responsible.

Simone said:

They have good legal consul. San Hamel's facebook and twitter and Myspace were pulled down right quick.

Anyways I'm not sure if you all saw this... but please sign and share it.

Thanks so much


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