Hi everybody,

I'm looking for one or maybe several people that want to do Sunday am rides. I know for many of you that's sleep in time but for me that's the only time I can do longer, faster rides.

My typical route is to take Lawrence (starting at Clark) to Elston, North Branch Trail to Lake Cook, Lake Cook to Sheridan, up to HighWood, then Sheridan back to Chicago cutting over to LFP in Evanston (or whatever its called there next to the lake) and then down Sheridan/Broadway to Uptown. I take maybe a 10 minute stop in Highwood and do the whole thing in a little over 4 hours. I don't time myself but I believe the average speed is around 16-18 mph from what others who I've ridden  with measured.  So I ride at a speed in between the typical leisure riders and the guys on  the $5,000 bikes in the matching outfits.  I have a decent road bike.

I can meet anybody somewhere on Lawrence or at the trail entrance on Devon/Milwaukee.

I try and leave by 7 and return by 11:15.  It's cooler and less traffic at those hours and this leaves time to enjoy the rest of the day.  I believe the entire ride is around 50 miles.  Given I run and ride almost every day I can maintain a pretty good pace (for me) without stopping.  I do try and ride pretty hard on these trips (though maybe not reflected in my time!).

If there's another route you do I am open to it. I do like the Northern route as there are few mandatory stops, it's safe with few cars on Sunday am, and as a result you can get a really good workout.  The North Branch trail is a nice break from city streets and Sheridan road has maybe one or two lights on the entire ride back (exaggeration!).

I don't have the stamina or equipment to keep up with the real fast guys (23-25 mph) in the bike clubs and the Evanston Cycling club has too far a start for me given I live in Uptown (though I've done it a few times).

So if interested send me a message through this Internet thingy :).  Posting here out of ignorance if there is a place these messages go.


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Yeah, LFP=   Dawes Park or  The Great Charles Gates Dawes House.

I suppose I can meet you on your tail end of your long ride from Lawrence and Elston area at Dawes Park.

Cool 11:15 arrival time at Dawes Park

We can do Coffee at Starbucks on Dempster east of Chicago.

My Cell is 847-902-3103 

peter moormann said:

11:15 for coffee sounds good :)

seems like none of you want to do the ride..just the coffee part? 

My pace is similar to yours and I'm going to be up early tomorrow morning to ride, too. Leaning towards riding the NBT from Devon/Milwaukee on a route similar to yours. But I don't think I'll be out of the house (NW side) until 8:00, putting me at Devon/Milwaukee not earlier than 8:30. I am not set on where I want to go, but since the rain has made the crushed limestone bike-dirtying, I will probably stay paved. I'd like to be home by noon.

Yes, the weather does not look for my Trek. She hates water.  Whatever you Choose on your directions? Meeting you for coffee  at Starbucks, etc.  11:15am. Just call when in Evanston.


Not really fun biking weather today.....overcast and upper 60's. Maybe next Sunday?

Hi the ride sounds right up my alley I am trying to get some longer rides in before RAGBRAI. I ride at a similar speed and have ridden at least the NBT portion of that route. I just got back in town from a trip on Sat. so this Sun. won't work but if you want to go next Sun. or another Sun. let me know I sent you a friend request.


Ian sounds good.

Per my last note, I meant upper 50's today,  not upper 60's. Better day to take a run.

I'm also trying to get in longer rides before RAGBRAI and can't keep up with the 23-25 mph crowd.  Let me know if you plan to ride this Sunday!  I'll join!

I can't keep up with the ultra fast group at EBC, even in my dreams.  However, there are groups leaving at just about any pace starting at about 10 mph and  making the way up to the above mentioned peleton.  If EBC is not too geographically undesirable, it is certainly flexible.  You can try riding with one of the other groups. www.evanstonbikeclub.org

Katie said:

I'm also trying to get in longer rides before RAGBRAI and can't keep up with the 23-25 mph crowd.  Let me know if you plan to ride this Sunday!  I'll join!

I am planning to go this Sunday...sounds like a few of us interested.  Glad I skipped yesterday..it started raining around 8. Invite me as a friend and I'll ping you (or I guess I can friend u, whatever).  

Katie said:

I'm also trying to get in longer rides before RAGBRAI and can't keep up with the 23-25 mph crowd.  Let me know if you plan to ride this Sunday!  I'll join!

I've biked with EBC...really nice group of people.  I don't exactly love the bike ride up there (via Rogers Park/Evanston from Uptown)  so that's a problem and most of the rides I've done with them included a 1-2  hour meal mid ride which just isn't my thing and stretches out the trip considerably.  But I do plan on trying to do a few of their rides this summer, especially the 70 milers.  

I must say though, I really like the beauty and fresh air of the NBT North bound....just puts me in an entirely different place if you get out there early before the masses arrive. And then taking Sheridan back really improves my stamina and leg strength.  Or so I believe :)

David Barish said:

I can't keep up with the ultra fast group at EBC, even in my dreams.  However, there are groups leaving at just about any pace starting at about 10 mph and  making the way up to the above mentioned peleton.  If EBC is not too geographically undesirable, it is certainly flexible.  You can try riding with one of the other groups. www.evanstonbikeclub.org

Katie said:

I'm also trying to get in longer rides before RAGBRAI and can't keep up with the 23-25 mph crowd.  Let me know if you plan to ride this Sunday!  I'll join!


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