If you have a bicycle and you didn't ride today, what's your excuse?

That is the question!

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wow, seriously? Arg... we usually get their weather!  I put away my winter gear :((

Leah Jone said:

Flew to Minneapolis where there is going to be a winter storm tonight.

that's a good excuse.  hopefully you will be back on your bike soon.

Barry Niel Stuart said:

I broke my left radius March 15 and had a plate installed March 25.  I'm still under an orthopedist's care and he's asked me to abstain from cycling until my arm is at full strength.

That is not an excuse; that is a reason!

Julie Hochstadter said:

that's a good excuse.  hopefully you will be back on your bike soon.

Barry Niel Stuart said:

I broke my left radius March 15 and had a plate installed March 25.  I'm still under an orthopedist's care and he's asked me to abstain from cycling until my arm is at full strength.

1) Now that I'm authorized to telecommute every day instead of ride the 12.7 miles each way, I'm not getting in NEAR the riding I did last year. This telecommute policy is a hazard to my overall health!

2) Muscles and a$$ still a little sore from riding to Waukegan and back yesterday.

I thought of both as the same thing?  

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

That is not an excuse; that is a reason!

Julie Hochstadter said:

that's a good excuse.  hopefully you will be back on your bike soon.

Barry Niel Stuart said:

I broke my left radius March 15 and had a plate installed March 25.  I'm still under an orthopedist's care and he's asked me to abstain from cycling until my arm is at full strength.

Since you're not spending time commuting, why not use that time to just go for a ride?

Scott Stelzer said:

1) Now that I'm authorized to telecommute every day instead of ride the 12.7 miles each way, I'm not getting in NEAR the riding I did last year. This telecommute policy is a hazard to my overall health!

2) Muscles and a$$ still a little sore from riding to Waukegan and back yesterday.

It's going to rain later.


I wanted to see just how bridge construction is disrupting CTA traffic from the north.


I want to walk up Michigan Ave after work to avoid the bridge construction, if it's not raining.

And watch tourists.

Subtle differences. :-)


excuse:  1 a reason given to justify a fault or offence. 2 something said to conceal the real reason for an action.

reason:  1 cause, explanation or justification. 2 good or obvious cause to do something.

Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, Third Edition, Revised, (2008), Oxford Unieversity Press.

Julie Hochstadter said:

I thought of both as the same thing?  

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

That is not an excuse; that is a reason!

Julie Hochstadter said:

that's a good excuse.  hopefully you will be back on your bike soon.

Barry Niel Stuart said:

I broke my left radius March 15 and had a plate installed March 25.  I'm still under an orthopedist's care and he's asked me to abstain from cycling until my arm is at full strength.

big party last night and ..... well....

Your grasp of English is better than that of many of us born to the language. ;-)

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Thank you, Lisa!

Ingles, of course, in not my native tongue, but I put an excuse in my question for a reason ;)

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Subtle differences. :-)

excuse:  1 a reason given to justify a fault or offence. 2 something said to conceal the real reason for an action.

reason:  1 cause, explanation or justification. 2 good or obvious cause to do something.

Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, Third Edition, Revised, (2008), Oxford Unieversity Press.

Shitload of errands after work that encompass most of the far northwest suburbs.

I had to take the L in because I was not coming from home, I have to take a car home tonight for use on a trip out of town tomorrow and after work today I have two meetings to attend. So, hauling my lazy butt on my trike at 9:30 at night just does not make sense to me after a very full day. I will rest on my accomplishments of the other 300+ days of riding and leave it at that.


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