A Bullet Larry vs. Harry was stolen from Chicago Cargo while it was out on a test ride in the Wicker Park area.  Keep an eye out and buddy lock it or contact me, Comrade Cycles, West Town Bikes or one of the many people you know.

Frame is bare aluminum and it's pretty hard to miss.  If you see somebody riding it feel free to throat punch them for me or contact me and I'll take care of the throat punching.

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I think I passed this cargo bike riding on Milwaukee just S of Armitage at about 8am yesterday.  Was it stolen by then? 

This bike was stolen this morning at approximately 9:00 am. Here's the CSBR listing.

From the CSBR listing:

Incident Description

Which type of area was your bike stolen from?: 
Front of building in residential area.
How long was the bike locked in this location?: 
1 minute
Incident Description: 
The person borrowing the bike was switching bicycles and left it unattended for less than a minute.

Stolen from the test rider.

I hope it wasn't a planned job :(

This makes me so angry.

A couple thoughts.

First, this was another theft of an UNLOCKED bike left by its custodian "for only a minute." Think about this the next time you leave your bike unattended for "only a minute."

Second, I expect this bike will be recovered in short order. It's a very distinctive bike (only two like it  in this country) and was likely taken for a joyride. 

or scrapped?

Leaving your bike unlocked is a terrible habit to get into.  I find myself falling into it at corner stores and the like from time to time; this is a good reminder that all it takes is having your back turned for a second is all it takes.  Lock up EVERY TIME.

I actually have very little hope it will be recovered.  It's a HUGE aluminum frame I wager it has already been scrapped; I have trouble believing anybody is dumb enough to steal a bike that distinctive and ride it around.  Hopefully I will be proven wrong.

Kevin C said:

A couple thoughts.

First, this was another theft of an UNLOCKED bike left by its custodian "for only a minute." Think about this the next time you leave your bike unattended for "only a minute."

Second, I expect this bike will be recovered in short order. It's a very distinctive bike (only two like it  in this country) and was likely taken for a joyride. 

I saw a bike that looked like that on Sunday, locked by St Helens church on Augusta and Oakley, there is a bike rack on Oakley that it was locked too. I didnt get a good look at any distinctions but I do recall this exact model. Hope it helps

Edit: Nvm i just realized it happened today. Soz

Thanks for thinking about it regardless.

Vitaliy said:

I saw a bike that looked like that on Sunday, locked by St Helens church on Augusta and Oakley, there is a bike rack on Oakley that it was locked too. I didnt get a good look at any distinctions but I do recall this exact model. Hope it helps

Edit: Nvm i just realized it happened today. Soz

+1   or at a minimum, if you are not going to lock, and its "just a minute" hobble the bike.  release one of the skewers so it cannot be ridden away.  Now that you did that wouldn't it have been easier to simply put your lock around the frame?  You didn't have to go to your "full metal jacket" lockup but at least you didn't allow somebody to simply get on your bike and ride away.

notoriousDUG said:

Leaving your bike unlocked is a terrible habit to get into.  I find myself falling into it at corner stores and the like from time to time; this is a good reminder that all it takes is having your back turned for a second is all it takes.  Lock up EVERY TIME.


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