Gauging interest on a special dinner ride because summer is - believe it - almost here

I'm thinking about leading a group ride for The Chainlink that includes dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in town, Uncommon Ground, because - you know - few things top off a nice ride better than a good meal with good people.  

Ride route and mileage TBD, but this restaurant has a menu that, in my experience, makes both meaters and veggies very happy.  And it's seasonal, meaning they whip up creations with asparagus or beef or goat cheese or the likes of what you see in the farmers market that week.  Except that they grow their own.  On the roof.  (No, it's totally legal! They'll give us a tour.)  Plus, they can serve family-style, so you get to try lots of different dishes and chat with everyone in a big party. Here, have a link

Does this sound good to anyone?  Would you go for a weeknight or a Sunday?  (Remember how summer has all that daylight? :)  Any mileage requests?  I ask now to plan ahead because this place gets crazy popular in the warm weather.  

Thanks for your input! 

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Yes! Sounds great to me. 

How about Devon & Glenwood to Hegewisch and back, then dinner? Just kidding.

Sounds great.  How about Sunday afternoon and then dinner?  Maybe 15 miles or so--just enough to work up an appetite?

We go there at least a few times a year. Somehow i find the Devon location a lot better than the clark location. They make a great burger.

sounds interesting.....sunday sounds good

Sounds great. I like the idea of a Sunday afternoon. :-)

I'm a fan of Uncommon Ground and haven't been up to the rooftop garden yet.  Sounds great except we have to get some consistent spring weather before we start talking about summer.

Are they too busy on Saturdays?

I love their food and have always heard they had a special roof but didn't know they actually grow some food up there.

I would love a ride, meal and tour. Awesome idea.

Sounds like a blast!

As long as it's not a Tuesday or Wednesday, sure!


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