Scrap the flyover Build a Protected Bike Lane on lower LSD

In this budget crunched era, the flyover on LakeShore Drive is a waste when they could just put a Protected Bike Lane on the lower bridge of LSD.  Seems like there is plenty of room on the roadway on the East lanes to separate pedestrians and bikes.  I often Jump the curb to the roadway from the sidewalk on the north side of the bottleneck to avoid Peds and slow bikes on the sidewalk.  Seems like an easy fix. Anyone know why they haven't done it yet?

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A while ago Steven Vance put forward a proposal that would be very practical and a hell of a lot cheaper:

I didn't realize until today that the flyover isn't addressing the stretch from Illinois to south of the River.  I think it's a waste of money since it's south of Illinois that is much more dangerous IMO.  If people just stop at the intersections, they can be made safe.  There's nothing to fix all the traffic on that narrow sidewalk south of Illinois.

This plan makes much more sense!!

The next phase of the flyover will be to extend the flyover to the LSD bridge at current path grade level.  The bridge houses will be hollowed out so the path and span over the river can be doubled in width, with the northbound path going through the existing bridge houses.  The new path will not be on the existing sidewalks along lower LSD.

John, the proposal shown in your picture above (and suggested originally by Chuckchuck), despite it's frugality, is still a dank, dark, cramped venue for bike/ped facilities; and users would still have to contend with the two busy intersections at Grand and Illinois, poor sight lines and pinch-points around Lake Point Towers, and a circuitous route through Jane Addams Park to get to and from the Lakefront Trail.  We deserve better.

The Lakefront Trail, many would agree, is a jewel of Chicago, and it did not spring fully formed from the head of Richard J.  Segments of the trail have been created and pieced together and re-envisioned over many decades, and the Flyover is just one more segment.  If, years ago, Chicago had decided that pedestrians and (perhaps then, new-fangled) cyclists could just use the sidewalk along Lake Shore Drive, rather than spending the money for a dedicated trail, we'd be a lot poorer off.

This flyover is an obvious and sorely needed addition to this world-class facility, and I think $40 million for this bold expansion, one that will highlight Chicago for decades to come, is a deal indeed.

Does anyone have a progress report?

What ever they decide it can not come soon enough. As bike traffic becomes more popular due to locals embracing and out of towners renting them for a trip on the LFP it is getting more and more crowded. 

I too would be interested in a progress report. Did the NIMBY'rs at Lake Point Towers or budget win on this one?

This is the last/first part of my daily commute from HP to NU-Chicago and as much as I like the flyover concept as an attraction, Chuckchuck's plan is very solid. There are rarely two lanes worth of auto traffic through this stretch at rush hour. Additionally if you want to avoid the Grand/Illinois bottleneck there's the alternate trail that wraps around the front of Navy Pier which is much less trafficked as well as an almost unused feeder west into Streeterville and beyond through the underpass to North Pier (although admittedly you'll usually end up on Lower Water to avoid most of the street traffic if you're heading to the Kinzie bike lanes.)

I saw a bicyclist in the ER a few years ago who was hit by a cab in this very intersection. This flyover is expensive but how many deaths and injuries does it take before it is worth it? Recently they spent $140 million to shave 60 seconds off the average commute time through the Hillside strangler. Few complain when they spend billions trying to make driving easier, so why are we complaining about saving lives here?

Chicago is known for its great lakefront path. This section is by far the worst. I for one am looking forward to using it.

Steven's proposal is golden.  I'm 100% behind it.  Too bad the city will never listen to reason. 

If money were no object I think the flyover would be stupendous.   Because money IS an object I think it is just stupid. 

Tourists wouldn't see the fly over no one but local,regular cyclists wuth a destination in mind use the lowers. Plys it would need a concrete wall for safety.


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