The Chainlink

Just wanted to give people a heads up:

This morning (5:30am Sunday) I was taking my usual route to work (straight down Milwaukee - Desplaines)  when I ran into some trouble.

 I had just crossed over Division  when I noticed a group of guys walking North on the West side of Milwaukee, one of them started walking at me in the bike lane.  I just assumed he was either avoiding the snow on the sidewalk, or trying to hail a cab.  He wasn't moving out of the way as I got closer so I rode into the car's lane.  As I was about to pass him  he said "Give me that bike bitch" and then went after me. I tried to speed past him, but he managed to push the rear of my bike which made me loose balance an veer off to the other side of the road.  I fell off my bike once it tried to hop the curb and he grabbed me and pinned me up against the iron fence.  I was screaming and he was choking me and telling me to "give me what you got".    I kept telling him I didn't have anything, but remembered I had a $20 in my pocket and asked if he wanted that.  He took it, told me he loved me and then kissed me on the cheek a couple of times and took off running.

F'd up!

so F'd up

I just want to give you all a heads up of what happened in an area I usually feel safe in and maybe keep an eye out for each other.  A few cars passed as I was pinned against the fence, but no one stopped.  Maybe they didn't see, maybe they did.  

I was lucky and managed to keep everything that mattered to me and came away just really shaken up. 

A report has been filed

It was a group of 4 or so guys, but only one guy chased me down.  He was an african american probably early 20's wearing a dark green jacket (waist length and not "winter time poofy" ) with some sort of white character on the back of it.  He had shoulder length dreads and was wearing a dark colored knit cap.

Let's look out for each other!

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Do you think it is the air horn or the get-up?

totally :))

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Do you think it is the air horn or the get-up?

These are nice for, uhm, landing on your fists after a fall. Swrve gloves Stay safe out there!

Wow what a horrible experience.  I'm very glad you are not hurt.  It is unfortunate that there were no other riders passing by to help.

Uggg i'm sorry to hear this Allison.  Keep your spirit up.  I lost my bike in a similar situation at Arrigo park at UIC in 2003.  The offender kept creeping the same area and the cops called me in to ID the guy at a lineup at Area 4 about 3 weeks after I was robbed.  Thanks for filing the report and just be patient.

I think I remember reading about this in one of the local papers.  Young-ish kid who pretended to have a gun under his jacket?

Nicholas Mukkada said:

Uggg i'm sorry to hear this Allison.  Keep your spirit up.  I lost my bike in a similar situation at Arrigo park at UIC in 2003.  The offender kept creeping the same area and the cops called me in to ID the guy at a lineup at Area 4 about 3 weeks after I was robbed.  Thanks for filing the report and just be patient.

Or both.  Well played.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Do you think it is the air horn or the get-up?

Neither-- I seriously doubt Juan's "primitives" are going to be frightened off by an air horn or anything else if they truly are intent on attacking him.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Do you think it is the air horn or the get-up?

Wow...that is some scary stuff. Makes me even more convinced that buying a video camera for my commutes is even more worth it.

The whole city is block by block. That co-op right there is full of bad seeds, and there is a bunch of section 8 just south of it. Be careful around there people.

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

I used to live just north of there on Noble. In the morning I'd ride from my apt to Milwaukee (with a short cut through a parking lot to make the connection on the south end), but after a few threatening interactions I stopped ridding that block of Noble between Milwaukee and Division at night. It's amazing how block by block that neighborhood can be.

I do agree the city changes block-by-block and it's good to know the nuances of your neighborhood.

As a person employed as a social worker, it may not be my job to police language on a bike-related forum, but since it's so closely related to my actual job: may I *suggest* not implying that just because people live in subsidized housing that they are bad people? 'cause they aren't, and I work with solid evidence indicating that every single day. Ain't trying to troll; I just have feelings about these things. /soapbox

Anyway, Allison's story inspired me to write a blog post earlier this week in which I talk not only about assault, but street harassment in general as a woman on a bike. 

I'm going to be writing a follow up post to it and have been using suggestions here as help (nod to Eric Roach's glove suggestion--srsly awesome!) and am really into women leaving comments about personal experiences and/or anyone's suggestion of additional items used for self protection.


I didn't imply all people who live in subsidized housing are bad. However, crime in those areas are much higher and people need to be realistic about that for their safety.


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