Hey Chainlinkers, I know this isn't related to biking but I am working on an article about this and I would love to hear what you guys think.  Please comment below. I'm working on deadline so the sooner the better. Thanks!

Here's some background: 

Articles: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/01/22/170002123/energy-drinks...


Video:  http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2013/01/22/burke-proposes-energy-dri...

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Has anyone ever mixed the two (Red Bull/Rockstar/etc. and Muscle Milk)?

My ex-roommate used to drink one of those concoctions every morning and then wash it down with 2 Viceroys. He said "It really kicks your butt at 7 a.m."

Ban car driving, its significantly more detrimental to public health.

Bans never eliminate the problem, often times they exacerbate it... here, the only problem I see is the ban, and this problem is easy to avoid.

Can we see the article when it's finished?

I have no problem with minors not being allowed to purchase these so-called energy drinks just as they are not allowed to purchase tobacco products. 

Banning something just makes people want it more.

I hope this won't keep me from getting my Powerthirst.

My mother does not live in DC (City Hall) so why are they trying to legislate my life.

I don't drink them, don't understand them and feel that personal responsibility towards what we ingest should be our decision alone, add to that that people would smarten up as to the garbage they continually put in their body. 

We should ban bans.

Clint H said:

We should ban education.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Banning something just makes people want it more.



Chris C said:

We should ban bands as there are far too many.

This calls for self censorship.  Ban things from yourself.  Of course, what is that but ...



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