Photo documentation of poor condition of new bike lanes from unexpected source...

Courtesy of Second City Cop:

(courtesy of Joe F on BCHI list)

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h' beat me to it. Direct link to the post-in-interest:

To take those pictures they had to be driving in the bike lane as well.

As a rider, I'm all for bike lanes.  But with the exception of the few protected bike lanes, the city has just wasted the money (well, it IS Chicago, so I shouldn't have expected more).  These pictures of pot-holed bike lanes are more the rule than the exception.

This is Sparta Chicago.

Even the Dearborn lane was built on shoddy pavement. Most of the buffered lanes were as well – the Roscoe St lane has a huge gash running down the middle for its entire four-block length.

JM 6.5 said:

As a rider, I'm all for bike lanes.  But with the exception of the few protected bike lanes, the city has just wasted the money (well, it IS Chicago, so I shouldn't have expected more).  These pictures of pot-holed bike lanes are more the rule than the exception.

It's frustrating and maddening.  The money was finally earmarked for bike lanes after the hard work of so many bike advocates, only to be flushed away in the abyss that is Chicago politics/cronyism.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Even the Dearborn lane was built on shoddy pavement. Most of the buffered lanes were as well – the Roscoe St lane has a huge gash running down the middle for its entire four-block length.

It doesn't get much more ironic than this.  *sigh*

As a consumer, I buy quality.  I don't have a lot of things, but the things I have work like they are supposed to because I paid for quality.  Rahm's promises of hundreds of bike lane miles is great but they don't work.  It's like buying a flashlight at the dollar store and it doesn't work when you need it.  Rahm cheaped out for quantity instead of quality - what a leader.

Hundreds of miles of bike lanes is a quantifiable brag.  Hundreds of miles of crappy bike lanes is more the truth.  You wasted my money but you're so green and reelectable.

I agree 100%. I'd much rather have 20 miles of quality protected bike lanes that actually go somewhere than the shoddy, discontinuous mess we have currently. Not saying I am not grateful for what we have – I am – but I think a proper plan and quality lanes would have an even greater benefit to the city.

Juan Primo said:

As a consumer, I buy quality.  I don't have a lot of things, but the things I have work like they are supposed to because I paid for quality.  Rahm's promises of hundreds of bike lane miles is great but they don't work.  It's like buying a flashlight at the dollar store and it doesn't work when you need it.  Rahm cheaped out for quantity instead of quality - what a leader.

Hundreds of miles of bike lanes is a quantifiable brag.  Hundreds of miles of crappy bike lanes is more the truth.  You wasted my money but you're so green and reelectable.

The other day?...
Past friendly neighbors and socialist utopian housing, I rode the Jackson bike lane...

It was really quite enjoyable!



look at me!

where is john kass?
i have a hug to give away to the needy

I wouldn't be on such a tear against Rahm as much as the local aldermen.  That said the people running street maintenance could probably stand a good kicking, too, and the Mayor can do something about them.

Juan Primo said:

As a consumer, I buy quality.  I don't have a lot of things, but the things I have work like they are supposed to because I paid for quality.  Rahm's promises of hundreds of bike lane miles is great but they don't work.  It's like buying a flashlight at the dollar store and it doesn't work when you need it.  Rahm cheaped out for quantity instead of quality - what a leader.

Hundreds of miles of bike lanes is a quantifiable brag.  Hundreds of miles of crappy bike lanes is more the truth.  You wasted my money but you're so green and reelectable.

Actually, I recently spoke with a long-time, senior city employee who pointed out that Rahm 1. demanded a specific amount of lanes by the New Year, come what may, and 2. he's pretty much encouraging various commissioners to fight over turf at the detriment of co-ordinated public polic y such as bike lane installation and maintenance.

Tricolor said:

I wouldn't be on such a tear against Rahm ...


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