How many miles is your commute? ((read the OP before responding please, hunny-bunnies))

There seem to be a lot of discussions about gear, clothing, winter riding that don't take into account the sort of commutes people have; i.e. advice that applies to someone who rides 15 miles each way may not be useful to someone who rides 3 miles.  So I thought I'd propose that people add the (one-way) distance of their daily commute, or their most typical one-way distance for regular 'utility' (rather than social/fitness/recreational) rides after their user name and see if it helps, or at least provides a little added interest...



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Most days I simply ride to the Central Street Metra in Evanston. That commute is 1.5 miles each way.

If I ride from my house in NW Evanston to my office on Monroe Street via LFP, it is about 18 miles.

Mine varies between 9.37 or 10.64, depending on which route I take. Right now, I take the street more than the lake front path, so it is only 9.37 one way.

8.5mi on LFT or 7.75mi on streets.

Anyone know when they expect Maggie Daley park to be completed, so we can ride thru from Monroe and LSD up to the Bike Station?

16.5, Lincoln Square to the University of Chicago.  My rides are limited in the winter, only 2 so far this year, but the other 3 seasons I do 3 days a week.


6.5 miles = 3.39009366 × 10-13 Parsecs

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

Google has taken all of the sport out of it. Just type "(number) (units) in (other units)" into Google and it converts any remotely standard units (including cubits, rods, and furlongs).

By the way 4 cubits is a short commute, hardly worth getting the bike out for ;)

Reba 4.0 mi said:

geeze, you know it's winter when all the cyclists sit around figuring out how many Noah's Ark cubits their commute is :)

I'm 4.0 each way, taking the side streets, always.

You forgot the "and then some" at the end of your list, a la "The Phantom Tollbooth."

My most common utility ride is from Engelhart to Tech, which is a mere 1.2 kilometers one-way.  When I go grocery shopping, the one-way is 2 to 5 kilometers.

Thunder Snow <1.9 miles> said:

The cycling portion of my trip can be expressed thusly:

3.1516 kilometers

3151.6 meters

10,339.9 feet

124,079 inches

28.7219 standard American football fields

63.039 Olympic swimming pool lengths

3.33124e-13 light years

223.49977272727273 Noah's Arks (allowing for a 300 cubit boat length, cubit=18")

(thank you "Google Maps Labs Distance Measurement Tool" for all this useless information!)

Great idea, h'!



I thought it had something to do with fundraising :) My commute is varied. I don't even think of it as a commute because I walk dogs. I'm outside all day so I dress pretty differently than most commuters. (i.e.--there's always back up stuff in my bag in case I'm too cold or get wet.) I wouldn't say I've ever had an ideal winter situation as far as gear goes. I'm usually colder than I'd like to be because my stops are generally close together. Total M-F loop is in the 6-10 mile range.


Now that I see other Juans on the Chainlink, this became a good idea!

Holly said:

I thought it had something to do with fundraising :) My commute is varied. I don't even think of it as a commute because I walk dogs. I'm outside all day so I dress pretty differently than most commuters. (i.e.--there's always back up stuff in my bag in case I'm too cold or get wet.) I wouldn't say I've ever had an ideal winter situation as far as gear goes. I'm usually colder than I'd like to be because my stops are generally close together. Total M-F loop is in the 6-10 mile range.


You and I have completely opposite riding needs. I need to arrive looking like I didn't just get off my bike. No place to change (unless its on the street) and I need to be somewhat professionally dressed. Hard to meet these requirements as still be comfortable some days.

My commute varies from 6 miles round trip a day to 35+. Since its hard to know the road and trail conditions up and thru the north shore, I've been chickening out the last few days. Tomorrow is it though - my plan is to bike my entire 34 mile work day.
Let me get this straight: you bike 17 miles one way in your office clothes?
That is pretty amazing. Tip o' the hat to you!
I am a piano tuner. My "office" are my customers homes. Tomorrow, my day includes biking 17 miles to the area I am working in, biking between 5 peoples' homes within a 8 mile area and then heading home. I like biking to and from my appointments but my customers don't seem to appreciate it so much. What can I say - my job is weird.
On a regular basis, my bag is about 30lbs which only slows me down but isn't cumbersome. I do find that metra and suburban bus schedules limit me though so I always try to not rely on them unless I am done for the day and heading home.


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