The Chainlink

Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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First day of driving :(  I am horrendously sick and there's no way I could bike to work today.  Sadly, there is stuff that needs to be done, I'm the only one who can do it, and my vpn didn't work last night.

*tiny violin*

I wear sunglasses when it is sunny, but typically don't wear anything otherwise.  I have some clear glasses that I suppose I should wear but I don't.  My reason for wearing them would be to keep debris from flying into my eyes.  The goggles were to protect my eyes and face because of the cold.  That morning my eyes would have been tearing and my face would have been cold without the goggles.  Warmer weather is not a problem.
Don said:

Do you wear any eye protection when it's warmer?  I wear those same clear glasses from the pic when riding at night even in the summer...didn't think that was out of the ordinary at all, but maybe I just have sensitive eyes?

Lisa Curcio said:

Mr. Marauder, I (definitely a newb) wore the new goggles the other morning when it started out at about 22, and I was glad to have them.  Could not wait for the teens.  So sue me for being a wimp! ;-)

That being said, I did put them in the bag when it warmed up to low 30s for the ride home.  


Katie said:


*tiny violin*

I'd say do what you need to do. If you're still into riding when the really cold weather hits, you'll build your tolerance along the way and the next year you'll know what works and what don't.

My first winter riding, I had every kind of jackets I'd normally wear for walking/taking PT. Didn't work too well. I was always sweating in them when I biked. I bought wool sweaters from a 2nd hand store and a wind-proof shell jacket and that's all I need these days. I supposed when it gets colder, I'll bust out my thermals top and bottom (non-cotton).

I do wear a pair of clear sun-glasses to keep my eyes from blinking too much, or even goggles when it's snowing.

As far as head gears, right now I only wear a headband that covers my ears. I can still put on a layer of facial moisturizer for my face and do away with the balaclavas for now.

MagMileMarauder said:

Mask and goggles already?? I know a lot of the newbs are eager to use their new gear, but wait til the it gets at least in the high 20s-lo 30s for the mask, and teens or sleet/snow for the goggles! You'll build your tolerance that way, and it's not just me trying to be macho:) You'll know when that time comes when the real cold arrives. Also, you'll probably want some kind of wind-breaking material (or at least long-johns) for pants when you're in need for that face gear. Those two things will coincide, at least IMO.

Anyways, good job! Keep it up!

Still riding, will continue to ride.

My issue is not the cold, its the dark.  Even with real good lights, it gets a little hairy.    As for glasses/Googles, I always wear eye protection.  I got hit in the eye with a rock many years ago and suffered a corneal ulcer.  It was nasty to treat and resulted in me having a small scar in the eye.    No thanks.   Clear lenses for me at night...

I agree on the dark.  I cannot wait until January when sunset will be back to about 5:00 and quickly getting later and later.

Just got back at 3:45 on Ambitious ride to the Wisconsin Welcomes You Sign. 6 hours elapsed time.

Lisa Curcio said:

I agree on the dark.  I cannot wait until January when sunset will be back to about 5:00 and quickly getting later and later.

I bought a CygoLite Expilion 400 lumen headlight last year for a little over $100. I like it, its very bright. The only thing I don't like about it is the usb recepticle cover which broke off. I covered it with electrical tape and I think that will remedy any potential issues with water damage. I noticed that the swivel anchor on the mounting bracket gets a little loose but that's fixed with a philips screwdriver, so I just keep that handy in my riding bag.

Also, I visited the Marshalls on Michigan ave. and got some really cool Smartwool socks and a pair of windbreaker exercise pants, both for less than $20. Now I'm really stoked.

Lisa Curcio said:

I agree on the dark.  I cannot wait until January when sunset will be back to about 5:00 and quickly getting later and later.

The warm weather has been a nice break. The cold should be back soon enough so I need to pick up some lobster gloves on my way home today. I haven't completely figured out the right combination of clothing but I'm getting warmer. :-)

The dark is probably a bigger challenge. I upgraded to a USB-charging light so that I am more visible to cars on the the suburban side of the commute. I'm enjoying bike/train commuting in winter for the first time. 

Good news!  The time of sunset today (4:20 p.m.) is the earliest for the rest of winter.  In about two weeks sunset starts getting later.  Of course, sunrise keeps getting later for a while, but somehow that does not bother me as much ;-).

Honestly, I am looking forward to colder weather.  These warm days are okay on the weekend, but it is really hard for me to adjust when all of my work clothes now are for winter.

I bought a Urban 550 for $150 and while riding the inside popped out after hitting a bump. Light and Motion is going to give me a warranty replacement. Durability is a problem, a works in progress for Light and Motion. An Awesome Bright Light!!!!

Joe Guzzardo said:

I bought a CygoLite Expilion 400 lumen headlight last year for a little over $100. I like it, its very bright. The only thing I don't like about it is the usb recepticle cover which broke off. I covered it with electrical tape and I think that will remedy any potential issues with water damage. I noticed that the swivel anchor on the mounting bracket gets a little loose but that's fixed with a philips screwdriver, so I just keep that handy in my riding bag.

Also, I visited the Marshalls on Michigan ave. and got some really cool Smartwool socks and a pair of windbreaker exercise pants, both for less than $20. Now I'm really stoked.

Lisa Curcio said:

I agree on the dark.  I cannot wait until January when sunset will be back to about 5:00 and quickly getting later and later.


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