I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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"Glorious" didn't do it justice.

Lisa Curcio said:

How about posting in anticipation?  The weather forecast read this morning on WFMT said that tomorrow would be in the 70s and glorious.

Amazingly wonderful today.

Rode to/from West Town in shirtsleeves mid morning and early afternoon....  warm orange sun and the most wonderful fall colors everywhere.  Even the industrial areas I passed through looked so good I wanted to paint them (after learning how to paint I guess.)

I enjoyed a beautiful ride yesterday from Beverly through Morgan Park, West Pullman, Riverdale and Blue Island.  Gorgeous colors.  I appreciated it that much more after the miserable weather on the previous weekend.  Yesterday was a gift.

I have to agree with h' and Anne.  Yesterday I rode out in the morning for a moderately brisk ride up the north shore with my cousin. As I sat outside drinking coffee up in Highland Park I realized I will be riding in a month but will not be likely to be sitting outdoors when I get off the bike.  I came home, took off the tights, packed a bag and then had to go into the city for an urban part two that included errands and music. The day was spent on the bike from early morning to blinking evening lights with sunshine, blowing leaves, varied colors, turning pedals and smiling faces. It was hard to get the stupid grin off my face all day.

Yep. Today was great. Light winds. Sun. Warm enough to wear my spring/fall outfit. Beautiful!

Once the sun came out on Sunday, it was a lovely day.  I had a fine ride from Hyde Park to Beverly, my first of the year.

This morning surely qualifies for at least the second most beautiful day of the year. 

it was really nice, so hard to turn in and go into the office.

I have no idea what the weather has been like recently, as I've been traveling for work for a month straight.  But, this morning was the best "welcome back" I could have ever imagined!  Absolutely beautiful weather - sun out shining, no wind, warm but not too warm.

Whatever this morning's weather was metric-wise, it gets my vote.  A light wind to keep the air feeling fresh, clear and sunny, and the lake was beautiful beyond belief!

Not happy I will be driving around in a car for at least the first half of the day.  Wish I could do it on my bike. Oh well. I'll be sure to at least have the windows open.

welcome back!

JM 6.5 said:

I have no idea what the weather has been like recently, as I've been traveling for work for a month straight.  But, this morning was the best "welcome back" I could have ever imagined!  Absolutely beautiful weather - sun out shining, no wind, warm but not too warm.


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