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What kind of bike do you ride to cause that much damage?

$100 million for more plastic bollards of protection, +5

I thought it was a nice illustration of the different risks and consequences of bicyclists and motor vehicle drivers disregarding traffic laws.

This looked brutal this morning.  I saw the kids beach towel in the back, and prayed to my false god that there wasn't a child riding in that car this morning.


with all due respoect to the injured / victims;


I would like to start a contest to figure out if the driver was distracted.

Texting ? on the phone ? holding a starbucks ?



Saw that same thing a few years back, but it was a Mercedes SUV.

LOL! but hope they are ok. Jaws of life?

Josh.E said:

What kind of bike do you ride to cause that much damage?

Unfortunately, it looks like the driver died

It is unfortunate. Based on the condition of the driver's compartment, it did not look like this was survivable. It will be interesting to see if there's any reporting on the cause and circumstances of the crash. At 9:15 am at that intersection, there had to be numerous witnesses.

S said:

Unfortunately, it looks like the driver died

 I must have just missed this on my way in. Sad. I feel for his family. Whether it's a cyclist or a motorist, a death is a death and this is tragic news. 

I was there.  I don't believe he got any of the bollards.  I think that he didn't see the stop sign and that he just blew through it but swerved to avoid a car turning left.  That isn't the gospel truth - just what I and a few others surmised when we heard people talking.  

That aspect is rather amazing.  I agree with the previous comment that it doesn't look survivable from the pictures.

Cameron Puetz said:

I'm honestly impressed that someone going fast enough to do that much damage was able to get that squarely lined up with the pillar.


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